World Law Forum Global Launch
Conference on SLAPP
20 OCTOBER 2018
The World Law Forum Global Launch will be held on the 20th of October 2018 in New Delhi, India and will be celebrated by influential leaders in various fields. Coinciding with the World Law Forum Global Launch will be a Conference focussing on SLAPP, a phenomena which has been on the rise in India in the recent years.
This conference aims to:
- Raise awareness of the SLAPP phenomenon and explore the applicability and effectiveness of Anti-SLAPP laws;
- Create a dialogue between journalists, lawyers and policy makers to protect freedom of expression and promote equality;
- Allow for community-building and encourage change makers to join the World Law Forum
Why attend?
- Witness and support the launch of World Law Forum
- Hear from influential journalists, human rights advocates, academics, lawyers and have your questions answered by our panel of speakers
- Learn about SLAPP, whistle-blowing and retaliation and relevant domestic and international case studies
- Learn about responsible freedom of expression
- Develop an understanding of Anti-SLAPP laws around the world and their effectiveness
- Gain insight on the SLAPP phenomenon and the applicability of Anti-SLAPP laws from other jurisdictions in the context of India
- Network with leaders of now and leaders of tomorrow.
- Obtain one free annual World Law Forum membership
Who should attend?
- Lawyers
- Students (law, humanities, political science, international relations, communications)
- Journalists
- Academics
- Members and Supporter of NGOs
- Civil Servants
- Politicians
- Change maker
Ram Jethmalani : Senior Advocate & Member of Parliament
Aman Lekhi: Additional Solicitor General, Government of India
Vrinda Grover : Advocate, Supreme Court of India
Sidharth Vardarajan: Founder – The Wire
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta: Senior Journalist
Rajshree Chandra: A/Professor, University of Delhi
Dilip Cherian: Consulting Partner, Perfect Relations
Raghav Chadha: National Spokesperson, Aam Aadmi Party
Shaili Chopra: Founder at SheThePeople.TV
15:30 – 17:00 World Law Forum Global Launch
NCUI Auditorium
3, August Kranti Marg Siri Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110016 |
For More Information CLICK HERE