Workshop on Basic Mediation & Negotiation Skills by ILS Pune [31st Jan – 1st Feb, 2020]: Registrations open.

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ILS Centre for Arbitration (ILSCA)

In association with

Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution Team(PACT)

Workshop on Basic Mediation & Negotiation Skills by ILS Pune[31st Jan – 1st Feb, 2020]:

Registrations open.

About the Workshop:

ILS Centre for Arbitration (ILSCA) in association with Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution Team (PACT) is organizing a two day workshop on “Basic Mediation and Negotiation Skills”.  This workshop will provide participants with core mediation skills and hands-on experience through a variety of simulations.

Resource Persons:

  1. Nisshanth Laroia, ACIArb, Accredited Commercial Mediator, Partner at The PACT.
  2. Juhi Gupta, LLM., Harvard Law School, Associate, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas.


31st Jan – 1st Feb, 2020.


 ILS Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (ILSCA) Building.

Structure of the Workshop:

Day One – 31st January 2020

Session 1: ‘How to convene a Mediation session-Keys to Preparation ’

Session 2:

  1. a. ‘The Right Foot Forward – Setting The Mood With A Good Opening Statement, Following It With An Agenda, Right Questions And Mutually Satisfying Solutions’
  2. b. Role Play

Session 3: ‘Communication Techniques And Non-Verbal Cues In Negotiation’

Session 4:

  1. ‘Mediation As A Facilitated Negotiation & How To Make Use Of Your Mediator’
  2. Role Play

Day Two – 1st February 2020

Session 5: ‘The Key Points In Facilitating Workplace Disputes’

Session 6:

  1. ‘How To Deal With Difficult Negotiators & Dealing With Manipulative Tactics’
  2. Role Play

Session 7: ‘The Gift Of Caucus & The Role Of A Lawyer In Mediation’

Session 8:

  1. ‘Key Points In Facilitating Family Conflicts’
  2. Role Play


Registration fee is inclusive of certificates, reading material and lunch and tea (for the entire workshop). Please note that accommodation will not be provided.

ILS Students: Rs 2000/- ; Non-ILS Students: Rs 3000/- Professionals – Rs. 4000/-

Note: Submit the Payment Receipt at the time of Workshop.

The participants will be awarded with participation certificates

(Attendance is compulsory for all the sessions; otherwise certificates shall not be awarded.)

Contact Details:

Faculty Coordinator:

Mrs. Sathyanarayan, Director, ILS Centre for Arbitration and Mediation(ILSCA)

Office Ph: 020-25676866


Student Coordinators:

1)     Silvan Jasper-

Ph: 9959597467

2)     Vibha Joshi-

Ph: 9004803907

3)     Riya Jariwala-

Ph: 9923408569

Official Email ID:

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