Webinar on A Perspective on Economic Offences: From Concepts to Laws by Advocate Advait Sethna [May 29, 2020, 5.30 PM] : Registrations Open

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A Perspective on Economic Offences: From Concepts to Laws; Culminating in Recent Judgements and Remedies for the Accused 


Advocate Advait Sethna  

[May 29, 2020, 5.30 PM] : Registrations Open

Online webinar for Law Students, practitioners  and academicians.


A webinar being conducted in public interest: A Perspective on Economic Offences: From Concepts to Laws; Culminating in Recent Judgements and Remedies for the Accused by Advocate Advait Sethna Counsel, Bombay High Court and the Supreme Court of India

 Date and time

May 29, 2020, 5.30 PM
Note:- Since we have limited seats only,
we would appreciate if you fill this form to register yourself  here.


The webinar will be conducted via Zoom app.  For Link, click here

LawOF  www.lawof.in Provides information about legal webinar for Law Students, practitioners  and academicians

Meeting ID: 491 496 3784

Password: 386773

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