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About World of Legal Research

World of Legal Research is a company that provides the best academic research base services for law schools, students, professors, paper presenters, authors corporate sector and advocates.

About the Webinar

In the present era, the interests of students, academicians and professionals pursuing law are being diverted towards the field of legal research. To understand the intricacies of the said field we are organizing a Webinar on the topic: “What Does It Take to be a Successful Legal Researcher?” by our esteemed guest Mr Abhayraj Naik.

About the Speaker

Abhayraj Naik

Education- B.A.LLB (Hons.) (NLSIU, Bangalore), LLM (Yale)

Abhayraj Naik is an advisor, consultant and educator based in Bengaluru, India. His consultancy and advisory work bring together innovation, research, strategy, design, communication, and implementation. He is currently a Visiting Faculty at Azim Premji University where he teaches courses on “Law and Justice in a Globalising World” and on “Climate Justice in India”. He has also taught interdisciplinary courses on development, law, justice, public policy, and research methods at the National Law School of India University, the Jindal Global Law School, and the Minnesota Studies in International Development: India Program.

Abhayraj is also a co-founder of a new non-profit organisation called the “Initiative for Climate Action” that promotes transformative system change in response to the current climate crisis. His current research includes work on automation, climate action, cities, environmental theory, experiential learning, mobility, leadership, technology policy, and transformation. Abhayraj is a graduate of the National Law School of India University and the Yale Law School.

DATE: 2nd JULY 2020 

TIME: 1700 – 1830 (Indian Standard Time)

Registration for the webinar is FREE. 

Interested participants can register on the following link: CLICK HERE

Certificates will be provided to all the registered participants. Link for the webinar will be sent on 2nd July 2020.


Harsh Mahaseth, Research Associate +91 9502321237 (WhatsApp number) 

For any query contact: contact@worldoflegalresearch.com

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