VIMARSH: The Youth Conclave @ Law Centre-II, Faculty of Law, Delhi University [April 7-8]: Registrations Open

VIMARSH: The Youth Conclave @ Law Centre-II, Faculty of Law, Delhi University [April 7-8]: Registrations Open



India, a country with 1.2 billion people, it engulfs in its helm various religions, many languages, 1652 dialects and with unique ethnicity and cultures. If we had one similar and homogeneous culture, things would have been much easier and we are proud of having a uniform and secular political system.

We literally bestowed ourselves with the biggest democracy in the world which was supposed to free us from the shackles of age-old poverty, exploitation, discrimination, and was expected to facilitate the younger generation with a plethora of opportunities at the same footing, irrespective of their backgrounds.

John F. Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. It is high time for the youth to once again take the center stage of the political tumult and demand what they envision for the nation.

When it comes to the international cooperation and harmony the first world countries are to be envied of. They not only acknowledged the importance and value of cooperation among the countries but also apprised the enormous potential in collective trade, commerce, cultural exchange and even military support. The West has established various successful associations like G20, EU, NATO, UN, which demonstrate the advantages of collective welfare and cooperation.

Considering the fact, Hindi is known to a large extent in our neighbouring countries–it is quite remarkable how deep Indian culture penetrates, but at the same time it is highly paradoxical that the nations of the South Asia, who though found a common ground in the formative years of SAARC, have not been able to manifest much in the last few years.

Though a lot has been said and proposed about regional cooperation, lasting peace and prosperity, it is unfortunate that those manifestos are not executed properly, which can be clearly interpreted by the fact, six out of twelve regional centres of SAARC has been stopped.

Thus it is crucial time for the younger generation of these nations to come together and pave the way forward, appreciating the shared lineage of the Indian Subcontinent.

Thereby Law Centre II has come up with VIMARSH, a platform for the youth to share their views about the predicaments faced in today’s world.

VIMARSH is a simulation of the national and international forums. At VIMARSH, delegates learn and appreciate intra-national and international relations and debates on matters of cultural integration and international cooperation.

Youth conclave concerns and influences research, public speaking, debating, in addition to analytical thinking and leadership abilities. It gives the young learners a deep insight into the real world problems and makes them aware of the causes of conflict among different cultures and nations.

We believe in fresh ideas, and bolstering these ideas, in this first edition of VIMARSH we have simulations of three committees. These committees will bring greater levels of enthusiasm to the conclave.

The committees are

SAARC Youth Conclave- Future of Cooperation among SAARC Nations
BHARAT Youth Conclave- Cultural Integration Of Indian Republic
NYAYA Youth Conclave- Judicial reforms in India- Issues and Aspects

The University of Delhi invites you to join and take advantage of the opportunity brought forward by VIMARSH.


Fee: ₹800 (Without Accommodation), ₹2200 (With Accommodation)



  • Rohit Kumar Sharma: 7503874473
  • Kshitiz Wadhawan: 9205609620

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