VidhiAagaz National Essay Writing Competition [Prize worth 2.5k+publication+Internship]; Register By 1st July 2018

VidhiAagaz National Essay Writing Competition [Prize worth 2.5k+publication+Internship];

Register By 1st July 2018

After a huge success of Ist VidhiAagaz National Essay writing 2017 where 50+ colleges of India participated, Vidhi Aagaz is proud to announce its Second EditionII Vidhi Aagaz National Essay Writing Competition, 2k18comprising professors and experts from India as wells as Abroad as its judging panel, and invite the students to participate and express their views on the given themes.


Participants may write and express their views on any of the following themes:

  1. Judicial Review
  2. Criminalization of Marital Rape
  3. Right To Privacy with emphasis on Aadhar Scheme
  4. Pattern of Legal Education in India
  5. Homosexuality Laws in India


The competition is open for all students enrolled in any Under-graduate or post-graduate college in India.


  • Registration amount is Rs. 200 for Single Author & Rs. 300 for Co-authorship.
  • Co-authorship is allowed to Maximum of 2 authors i.e. 1 Author & 1 Co-Author.
  • Participants must PayTm the amount to 8959330986
  • After the payment, all the participant(s) must fill the form HERE

Submission Guidelines :-

  1. All the entries must be type written in English and must be in between 700-1500 words.
  2. The submission must be made only in *.doc or *.docx format to “vidhiaagaz@gmail.comin stipulated time period.
  3. Any Submission in *.pdf format will be directly rejected.
  4. The submission should strictly follow the following rules

Font – Times New Roman

Font size – 12

Line spacing – 1.5

Alignment – justified

  1. 19th Edition of Bluebook must be followed for citation.
  2. The content should be the original work of writer and should not have been sent to any other competition or for any publication.
  3. Any Content found Plagiarized will be eligible for rejection.
  4. Judgment will be based on following Parameters:
  • Research & Content
  • Uniqueness
  • Quality of Language
  • Innovative thinking.
  1. The Decision of Judges will be final and binding.


  • The submissions should be sent through mail at “vidhiaagaz@gmail.comon or before 10th July 2018.
  • The attachment’s name must be the same as author’s name.
  • Late Entries will not be entertained and liable be rejected prima facie.
  • The subject of Mail Should be Submission for II Vidhi Aagaz National Essay Weiting Competition”.
  • The Name, Nationality, Mobile no., e-mail id, Affiliation and the topic should be mentioned in the body of the mail.


Last Date of Registration:  1st July 2018

Last Date of Submission:   10th July 2018

Date of Results:  31st July 2018

Awards and prizes

  • Winner:-   Rs. 1500+ Merit Certificate
  • Runner-Up :- Rs. 1000  + Merit Certificate
  • Top 5 Essay will be published in our Next Book bearing ISBN with 50% Discount on publication charges.
  • Top 10 students will be provided with exclusive INTERNSHIP of 2 months with VidhiAagaz.
  • All participants will get e-certificate of participation.
For any further queries feel free to email us at or WhatsApp us at +91 9399094820.

For rules, guidelines and other details, CLICK HERE.

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