Vacancy: Research Fellows @ National Law School of India University [NLSIU], Bengaluru: Apply by May 10

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Vacancy: Research Fellows

@ National Law School of India University [NLSIU], Bengaluru:

Apply by May 10

Vacancy for Law Students 2020


Centre for Environmental Law, Education, Research and Advocacy [CEERA], National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru is Calling for Applications for the position of Two Research Fellows at their Centre at NLSIU Campus, Nagarbhavi, Bengaluru.

Nature of Work

Drafting of legal opinions, review of draft national/state policies, suggesting changes in existing laws, case research, drafting of statutory enactments and fulfilling other deliverables under different projects of the Centre. Deliverables will include framing proposals for funding, research and writing, training and other assignments.


 Research Fellows: 2 [Two]


A graduate in law /LL.M or a graduate in Environmental Sciences with a Diploma in Environmental Law with prior experience of work in the field of Environmental Law or Science.

Candidates possessing strong research and writing skills with research publications to his/her credit would be preferred. NET/SET qualified candidates may apply.

LawOF Provides information about vacancy / Job for Law Students


25,000/- p. m. (consolidated)

Important Dates

  • Last date for receiving applications: 10th May 2020
  • Date of interview only for shortlisted applicants: Will be notified later
  • Date of Joining: Selected candidates would be expected to join from 1st of June, 2020

Application Procedure

Application with CV along with sample of any previous research work done or research publication should be sent to

For website link, click here.

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