University of Calcutta’s Dr. Rajendra Prasad Memorial Debate 2018 [June 7-9]
The Dr. Rajendra Prasad Memorial Debate, to be held from the 7th to the 9th of June, 2018, is a 3-on-3 Asian Parliamentary Debate hosted by the Department of Law of the University of Calcutta, in the University of Calcutta’s Hazra Campus. In its first ever edition, in 2017, RPMD was able to establish itself as one of the biggest debates in the region, with participation from all around the country. In 2018, we aim to further consolidate our position and make this, the second edition of RPMD, bigger and better than ever before.
Since we have a limited number of team slots on offer, Institutions can register two teams at a time using the link for Institutional Registration. Institutions can register additional teams, by filling up the Institutional Registration form again, only after the registration fees for their previously registered team(s) have been paid. Non-Institutional and Cross-Institutional teams can register via the Non-Institutional/Cross-Institutional Registration link. All team slot allotments are subject to availability of such slots.
Institutional Team Registration link: CLICK HERE
Non-Institutional/Cross-Institutional Registration link: CLICK HERE
RPMD 2018 will also be following the N+1 rule, so all participating institutions are required to register the appropriate number of adjudicators via the Adjudicator Registration link. The N+1 rule means that, participating institutions will have to send 1 adjudicator for every team they register + 1 additional adjudicator. For example, if a team registers 2 teams, they have to send 3 adjudicators. Please note that, there will be cash prizes up for grabs for adjudicators as well as teams. Independent adjudicators can also register via the same link.
Adjudicator Registration link: CLICK HERE
Registration fees for Teams (without accommodation): Rs. 1500.
Registration fees for Adjudicators (without accommodation): Rs. 500.
Each participant requiring accommodation will have to pay Rs. 500 extra.
Adjudicator Registration Fee Waiver
We will also be providing 5 full and 3 partial registration fee waivers to a select number of adjudicators. Adjudicators may apply for the same by emailing their debating CV to, with the subject “Adjudicator Registration Fee Waiver 2018.”
Prize Money
RPMD 2018 will be offering participants a minimum total prize money of Rs.50,000. The specifics of the prize money up for grabs will be announced soon!
For any queries you may have, you can email us at, or call any of the following contact persons-
- Shounak Mukhopadhyay (+918981772268)
- Sidhant Saraswat (+919831005511).
Make sure to also follow us on facebook for event updates at: CLICK HERE

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