UGC Removes Many Journals from Approved List
University Grants Commission (UGC) published names of 4,305 journals on its website that have been removed from UGC approved journal’s list.
On May 3, the UGC removed the names of 4,305 journals from its list of accredited titles, saying they have been found to be Poor Quality / Incorrect / Insufficient information/ false claims.
The UGC had published an original list of accredited titles in January 2017, saying that only papers published in these journals would count against an academic’s performance in judging their suitability for career advancement.
Of the 4,305 titles removed from the list, 1,447 have been classified as social science journals, 1,120 as arts and humanities journals and the remainder as science. In all, 203 titles were eliminated from the ICI for not having met the UGC’s qualifications for the list. The remaining 4,102 were university-recommended titles that were rejected.
According to UGC Notification published on Website, The UGC has received complaints about inclusion of poor-quality or questionable journals from faculty, researchers, other members of academic community as well as from press and media representatives. Considering these complaints, the Standing Committee on Notification of Journals re-evaluated every journal title recommended by universities as well as those indexed by Indian Citation Index on filtering criteria defined by the Standing Committee. Based on careful scrutiny and analysis, 4305 journals are removed from the current UGC-Approved List of Journals because of poor quality / incorrect / insufficient information/ false claims.

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