Two-Day National Seminar @ National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam in collaboration with North East Centre, New Delhi Sponsored by ICSSR on May 3-4, 2019

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May 3-4, 2019 

National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam in collaboration with North East Centre, New Delhi Sponsored by ICSSR

Concept Note:

The proposed two day National Seminar on “Effective Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expression: National and Community Experiences” is to be organized by National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam in collaboration with North East Centre, New Delhi. The main aim of the Conference will be specifically highlighting the significance and contribution of North Eastern part of India in the realm of Intellectual Property Rights.

The eight states of the North Eastern part of India viz. Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur and Sikkim are well known for rich repositories of Traditional Knowledge (herein after referred as TK) and Traditional Cultural Expression (herein after referred as TCEs /folklore) based on resources relating to biological diversity, genetic resources, folklores and geographical indication. The abundant diversity has given this region a rich cultural heritage and unique ethnicity. TK and TCEs comprises a significant part of the IPR domain. Both TK and TCEs encompasses a vast body of knowledge pertaining to diverse fields like agriculture, medicine, biodiversity, biological resources, environment, forestry, music, art, culture, tradition, etc., usually held by certain indigenous community in a given territory.

However, it is not limited to this category only. Unfortunately, any universally accepted definition of the terms TK as well as TCEs have not been developed yet. Although many working definitions are available that are more or less similar in nature. Various terms like indigenous knowledge, local knowledge, community knowledge, cultural heritage, aboriginal tradition, traditional ecological knowledge etc. are synonymously used for TK.

It is now, a well-established fact that both TK and TCEs are of enormous economic value. It has become an important source for new industrial inventions in many sectors. Gone are the days when it was looked down upon as inferior, ancient and unscientific by the modern science. In the present state-of-art development, TK and TCEs plays an important role in the global economy. It is not only valuable for the indigenous, local people who largely depend on it for different pursuits of their life, but also to modern industrial and agricultural sector in terms of procurement of raw materials and application of traditional techniques for enhancing agricultural production and productivity in a sustainable way. The value and contribution of TK and TCEs is also immense in the field of pharmaceutical and medical sciences.

In spite of the North –east region being plentiful in TK and TCEs and people deriving benefits out of it, most of the resources relating to the same have remained untapped and unexplored. The main challenges pertaining to TK is its misappropriation and lack of proper legal protection, inadequate documentation, commercial exploitation, illegal bio- trading, unsustainable extraction of natural resources, etc. However, most often it is also felt that because of the absence of sui generis law on this area, the TK and TCEs is yet to receive the adequate legal protection.

Keeping in view the above concerns, this Seminar will be an effort to put some light on the protection of TK and TCEs with special reference to the North Eastern states of India.

Thematic Area of the Conference:

  • IPR interface with TK and TCEs/folklore
  • Protection of TK : issues and challenges
  • GI and its potential
  • TK and Biodiversity Conservation
  • TCEs Preservation and innovation in North- East India
  • TK practioners, perspective and experiences

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. The Abstract should relate to the Theme and the Sub-themes. In case any of the authors wish to present a paper on any other theme, the paper would be subjected to scrutiny by the Editorial Board.
  1. The abstract should be limited to 500 words specifying a few key words accompanied by the details of the author(s) comprising the designation ,email address, contact number, postal address and has to be sent to –
  1. The Body of the Abstract should be written in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5 and Footnotes in Times New Roman with Font Size 10.
  1. The Citation must be in Bluebook latest Edition. The Authors should strictly adhere to it.
  2. The sub-theme has to be mentioned while abstract submission
  3. The papers should be submitted in two parts. The abstract submission date is 20th March 2019 and the final selected papers should be submitted by 10th April 2019. The authors of the selected papers will be notified as per schedule.
  1. Selected abstracts would be notified by 28th March 2019.
  2. All the information regarding the conference would be updated to the participants.

Important Details:

  1. Abstract Deadline- 20th March, 2019
  2. Notification of Acceptance of Abstract- 28th March, 2019
  3. Submission of Full Paper- 10th April, 2019
  4. Submission of Registration Fee- 25th April, 2019


  • Students/Researchers [Paper Presentation] – 1,500/
  • Students/Researchers [Participation] – 1,000/-
  • Academics/Practitioners [Paper Presentation] – 1,500/
  • Academics/Practitioners [Participation] – 1,000/
  • NLUJAA Research Scholars/ P.G. Students [Paper Presentation]-1,000/-
  • NLUJAA Students* [Participation] – 300/-
  • NLUJAA Faculty [Participation] -1,000/-
  • NLUJAA Faculty [Paper Presentation] -1,500/-
  • Delegates [Participation] – 1,500/-

On-spot Registration – Online payment portal will open soon with conference website. Keep following university website CLICK HERE for future updates.

*Undergraduate Students of NLUJAA as well as other Universities are entitled to participation only.


3rd and 4th May, 2019


Seminar Hall, Administrative Block, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam, Hajo Road, Amingaon-781031, Kamrup (R), Guwahati, Assam.

Contact Details:

Dr. Topi Basar (Associate Prof. of Law) M: 8486216034

Monmi Gohain (Asst. Prof. of Law) M: 8876513051

Deepakshi Das (Asst. Prof. of Economics) M: 9707020015

Juri Goswami (Research Associate) M: 9706788987


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