Two Day National Seminar on Corporate social Responsibility
New Law College, Ahmednagar
From 3rd & 4th March 2017
About the College …
Our College was established on 22nd June 1970 under the management of Ahmednagar Jilha Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj which runs hundred educational institutions in Ahmednagar District. The courses offered by the college include LL.B. Three year, B.A.LL.B. Five year, LL.M. Diploma in Taxation, Labour Laws and Labour Welfare and A.D.R. The college is receiving Grant in Aid from the Maharashtra Government. The college is recognized by the U.G.C. under section 2(f) and 12(b). The college is re-accredited by NAAC. The college is situated in the heart of the city and possesses excellent and precious premises. Our Library is well equipped and acclaimed as renowned library. The college undertakes extracurricular activities such as NSS, Legal Aid and Conducts, Co-curricular activities like Mock Parliament, Moot-Courts, Vidyarathi Adalat, Seminars and Conferences on current legal issues. The college uses IT for office administration, Online Admission process, Library automation and classrooms were equipped with LCD projectors
Thrust Areas / Themes…
- Corporate Social Responsibility Vis-a-vis Sustainable Development.
- International Perspective of CSR: The comparative Analysis
- CSR and Legislative Response.
- CSR and Environmental Justice
- Role of Judiciary in promoting CSR
- CSR: Social, economic and philanthropical Perspective.
Call for Papers…
The Faculty, Researchers & Students from all disciplines who are interested in the subject are invited to participate / present their papers on the above themes in MS-Word Format via E-Mail and also a hard copy through post/Courier. A4 Size page setup should be used and Times New Roman Font Size of 12 should be selected for typing. The length of full paper shall not exceed 2000 words.
Accepted papers will be published in a Conference Proceeding with ISBN. The papers shall be sent to the following address.
New Law College, Ahmednagar.
Lal Taki road, Delhi Gate, Pin – 414 001.
Email –
Assembly Hall, New Law College, Lal Taki Road, Ahmednagar.
Registration Fees:
- Rs. 500/- For Teachers and Research Scholars without Accommodation
- Rs. 1000/- For Teachers and Research Scholars with Accommodation
- Rs. 2500/- For Others
- Rs. 200/- For Students.
NOTE: The Registration Forms, Abstract and Full Paper may be sent through E mail.
Important Dates :
- Registration : 15th Feb. 2017
- Submission of Abstract : 15th Feb. 2017
- Submission of Full paper : 25 Feb. 2017
For More Information, Click Here
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