Two Day National Level Seminar on 16th–17th Dec., 2016 @ Yashwantrao Chavan Law College (YCLC), Pune.
Empowerment of Women: Efficacy and Implementation of Laws Relating to Property and Marriage
Deadline: 15th Dec, 2016
For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:
About College:
Yashwantrao Chavan Law College is established in 1978. The College has received re – accreditation from NACC. College is affiliated to Pune University on Permanent Basis and also recognized by the Bar Council of India, New Delhi.
The College endeavors to achieve a synthesis on the original aim and objectives cherished by our parent institute and the rapid changes taking place in the educational field.
The college has kept before itself the goals of advancement and dissemination of knowledge of law and legal process in the context of national development. In accordance with these basic expectations, the college is striving to achieve an excellence in the field of legal education and research. While imparting legal education, the college has kept a goal in view that the professional lawyers must be well equipped to perform the various roles which they are expected to play in the society.
The college provides not only professional excellence in the field of law education but also makes rural students worthy of entering into a professional field.
About the seminar:
The theme of the Seminar is Empowerment of women: Efficacy and Implementation of laws relating to Property and Marriage. This seminar is a step towards enlightenment on the issues which are in grey area.
The aim of the Seminar is to provide platform to practitioners and academicians, to deliberate on the aforesaid area and to provide a firm theoretical foundation, where there is none.
The Seminar consists of four technical sessions, which are to be held on December 16-17, 2016 at Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Pune, Maharashtra.
We cordially invite the academicians, researchers, and students to submit their research papers on the sub-themes which are to be covered in different technical sessions during the National Seminar.
Interested participants may submit soft copy of the abstract and full paper to the coordinators th through following email address: on or before 15 December 2016
1. Effect of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act 2005 – Judicial response.
2. Right of wife to Ancestral property of husband and judicial approach.
3. Rethinking on triple Talaq- Religious, Judicial and constitutional Perspective.
4. Maintenance – Expanding horizons of Women’s Right.
- The first page should have Title of the paper , Author profile with Contact.
- Max word limit is 5000 (including abstract), Heading should be in font size 14, Content – font size 12, Footnote -font size10, Font-Times New Roman, Spacing- 1.5 lines , Page size- A4 , Margin – 1 inch, each side.
- Paper by co-authors are not allowed.
- Citation – SILC system.
- Plagiarism is not allowed and will attract disqualification.
- Certificate will be given at the end of the seminar to the participants and contributors of the research articles.
- Selected Research articles will be published in Seminar proceedings bearing ISBN no.
Registration fee –
Faculties/Professionals/Research Scholars : Rs. 1000 (submitting research articles), (includes dinner and Seminar material) , Student Rs. 250/-.
Payment can be done by cash or cheque/DD drawn on ‘Principal, Yashwantrao Chavan Law College’.
Participants to arrange for their own accommodation.
Seminar Hall, Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Pune 09.
Mr. Chalwadi Nitin: 09404953433
Mr. Wakade Ravindra—— 09823362047
For Invite/Brochure, CLICK HERE
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