TNDALU’s Webinar on Multi-Stakeholder Approach in Handling POSH Complaints [June 24, 3-4:30 PM]: Register Now!

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Any person interested in attending the same may register on the Google Form link given at the end of this E-Mail. You would also need to fill in the Feedback form that is to be circulated at the end of the Webinar to earn an e-Certificate for having actively participated in the Webinar.

There would be no fee payable to register for the National Webinar. It is arranged free of cost.

Register on or before 23rd June, 2021.

URL to the Google Form to Register for the Webinar

About the Webinar

The National Webinar on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace would be knowledge enriching for not only Lawyers but also for those in the Corporate Arena as it is important to know of the Law relating to POSH: “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013″.

A Workspace must be a healthy one for all the stakeholders to work in harmony with one another and such a Workspace may be created only if all the parties are represented equally. To prevent Harassment at Workplaces, the POSH Act, 2013 was enacted and it aims at protecting women from being subjected to Harassment at their workplaces, and to create a safe working environment for them with Internal Complaints Committee being formed as per the Act in the said workplaces.

Only if safer workspaces are created would the Women employees feel safer to work in and that would, in turn, lead to Employment Opportunities and Economic Growth for the Nation overall.

This Webinar would deal with a Multi-Stakeholder approach in handling complaints received for harassment against Women dealing more particularly with Corporate Perspectives and Workspaces. There has been a rapid growth in the Corporate sector and the need to protect the employees more particularly Women Employees in their workplaces lead to the need to discuss the topic and make people more aware of their rights and to whom they can approach if they have to file a complaint under the said Act to safeguard their Rights and prevent future occurrences.

Contact Information

E-mail ID: 

Mr. Meyyappan Kumaran S (Webinar Faculty Co-ordinator) 

Mobile Number: 9940409375

For full details of the webinar, click here

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