Theoretical Exams or Practical Applicability of Law: What Really Matters After Five Year By Bhim Patel, Balaji Law college, Pune

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Theoretical Exams or Practical Applicability of Law: What Really Matters After Five Year By Bhim Patel, Balaji Law college, Pune


Before anything else let me make it clear that I think knowledge is incredibly important to any career and life in general. As a central supporting component of the law is that everyone should have equal access to justice, lawyers have become those people in society that can help the general population ensure they have fair access to the justice they are seeking. Training of students in  theory of the law are not actually advocating the teaching of theory, but also provide legal education focus on training students in a method of analysis. This study is all about  how to think like lawyer , analysis like lawyer and convince the fact. Lawyer work and provide his own knowledge to client to understanding law which will be applying before court of law. Advocacy is a skill after training everyone can achieve it.

Theoretical  knowledge  for law student is very important in legal field. It helps you understand why one technique works where another fails. Without theoretical knowledge even cannot stand before court. Law student is seen essential as the lawyers is expected to read the case file and understand the breadth and width of the case and for this theoretical knowledge is essential. It can often lead to a deeper understand of a concept through seeing it in context of a greater whole and understanding the why behind it..

 Practical knowledge helps you acquire the specific techniques that become the tools of your Profession. Practical knowledge can often lead to a deeper understanding of a concept through the act of doing and personal experience.

Only theoretical knowledge does not matter If no idea how to interpreted that knowledge. Being a lawyer does not only mean having knowledge of law but you must be argument skill, Behaviour, dealing with situation.

So, theoretical and practical knowledge both are very important they are part of each other absence of anyone then your education remains incomplete.

Every law student have rights or Duty of Institution provide both as neither comes naturally but only with practice.







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