Seminar on Social Justice for Women @ Law Centre-I, University of Delhi [Feb 7]: Register by Jan 20

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Seminar on Social Justice for Women

@ Law Centre-I, University of Delhi

[Feb 7]:

Register by Jan 20


Established in the year 1970, Law Centre – I is a premier unit under the aegis of the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. The motto of Law Centre – I is ‘Educate, Evolve, Excel’. Keeping in view this motto, it focuses on the holistic development of its students, teachers and non-teaching staff.


Law Centre-I is pleased to invite papers from law students, law professors and legal professionals for the ‘Seminar on Social Justice for Women: Contemporary Issues and Challenges’ organised as part of the year-long Golden Jubilee Celebrations commemorating the fifty years of Centre’s contribution to excellence in legal education since 1970.

This Seminar is part of the Seminar Series on Social Justice scheduled to be held from February to March 2020 at the Moot Court Hall, Umang Bhawan, Law Centre – I. The Series has been envisioned by Justice Mr. Madan B. Lokur (Retd.), Former Judge of Supreme Court; Prof. Dr Ved Kumari, Professor at Law Centre I and former Dean of Faculty of Law; and Prof. Dr Sarbjit Kaur, the Professor-in-Charge of Law Centre I.

The seminar would have a plenary session of the expert speakers followed with sessions on decided sub-topics under the Theme. There will be time at each session to raise questions for two-way participation and learning. This call encourages submissions on the following theme (although not restricted to the sub-topics):

Seminar on Social Justice for Women: Contemporary Issues and Challenges (February 7, 2020)

It aims to examine, evaluate and address the contemporary issues and challenges that make the idea of social justice for women an evading dream. The theme will focus on the analysis of the various facets that advance or impede gender equality and the empowerment of women, particularly in the areas of social protection systems, recognition of agency and access to public services.

Following are the sub-topics of this Seminar

  • Reproductive Rights: Agency Battle
  • Violence Against Women: Rape, Acid Attacks and Hurt
  • Sexual Harassment: From Vishakha to Now
  • Building Secure Environment for Women Prisoners
  • Widows: Concerns Addressed and Unaddressed


Students, Scholars, Professional, Academic Community from all over India with interest in the given themes are invited to participate in the Seminar and present their paper.


There is no registration fee for the Seminar Series.


  • Abstracts deadline: January 20, 2020
  • Communication of selected abstracts: January 22, 2020
  • Full-Length Paper submission: February 4, 2020


  1. Abstracts should not exceed 500 (five hundred only) words and must indicate the Seminar theme, sub-theme, key arguments and 5 (five) keywords.
  2. The sub-topics are suggestive and participants may make submissions on any correlated sub-topic under the Theme of the Seminar.
  3. Authors of shortlisted abstracts shall be required to send their full-length papers by the specified date prior to the oral presentation.
  4. Authors of accepted papers shall have the privilege of presenting their paper at the seminar.
  5. There can be a maximum of only one Co-author.
  6. The full length research papers should be around 5500 – 6000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
  7. Potential contributors are required to adhere to a uniform mode of citation (recommend 4th edition of the Oxford
  8. University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities OSCOLA, available HERE.
  9. Abstracts and papers should be submitted as Word documents (.docx), with a covering letter containing the name and designation of the author(s), and should be emailed to
  10. Best paper presentations, two from law teachers or legal professionals and two from students, would be awarded at each Seminar judged by a panel of three members.
  11. From each Theme covered in this Seminar Series on Social Justice, four papers by the legal professionals or law professors and four papers by the students would be selected for publication.
  12. After initial screening, selected submissions would be double-blind peer-reviewed and the papers of outstanding quality (irrespective of the selection for presentation) shall be published by Law Centre I, Faculty of Law, the University of Delhi in a book with ISBN Number.
  13. Please note that paper presentation does not ensure publication.


Ms. Shivika Choudhary, Assistant Professor, Law Centre I, +919119167222

Ms. Shachi Singh, Assistant Professor, Law Centre I, +918860164260

Mr. Piyush Kumar, Assistant Professor, Law Centre I, +918860760804

For the brochure, click here.

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