School of Law, Christ, Bangalore [Jan 24-25]: Cfp IX National Conference on Constitutional Governance

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School of Law, Christ, Bangalore [Jan 24-25]: Cfp IX National Conference on Constitutional Governance

Backdrop of the Seminar

The Constitution is suprema lex, the paramount law of the land, and there is no department or branch of government above or beyond it. Commitment to the Constitution is a facet of constitutional morality. The Constitution can live and grow on the bedrock of constitutional morality which means agreeing to the laws and norms of the Constitution.

The Two Day National Conference on Constitutional Governance: Issues and Challengesconducted by School of Law, CHRIST aims to deliberate upon the possible responses from law and the Indian constitutional framework in order to insulate against contemporary challenges posed by our versatile society.

Call for Papers-

The Conference invites submissions on the following theme and sub themes:


Constitutional Governance: Issues and Challenges”


I. Co-operative Federalism
• One Nation One Poll: Impact on Federalism and Constitutional Feasibility
• Role of Governor
• Inter-State Water Disputes
• Importance of GST in Digital India

II. Judicial Restraint and Judicial Discretion
• Evolution of the principle of Judicial Restraint
• Constitutional Morality
• Is India impending towards its Lochner Era?

III. Implications of Technology on Privacy
• Legal and Constitutional Aspects of Privacy and Data Protection
• Human versus Artificial Intelligence
• Development of Blockchain Technology: Framework for Effective Mechanism
• Validity of Aadhar

IV. Reforms in Criminal Law on the touchstone of Constitutional Provisions
• Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2018
• Constitutional validity of Solitary Confinement in Modern India
• Need for Death Penalty against emerging Restorative Reforms

Note: The list is suggestive and meritorious contributions on other sub-themes related to the broad theme are also invited.

Who Can Attend?

Academicians, Practitioners, Research Scholars and Students are invited to submit research papers on the topics related to the theme and participate in the conference. All the authors whose abstracts are selected shall be invited to present their papers in the Conference.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission: 21st October, 2018
  • Communication for Acceptance of Abstract: 25th October, 2018
  • Last Date for Registration and Payment: 5th November, 2018
  • Submission of Full Papers: 1st December, 2018
  • Date of Conference: 24th and 25th January, 2019
    Submissions – Details and Guidelines


    The abstract should not exceed 300 words, and must be accompanied by a cover page stating the following:
    • Sub- Theme
    • Title of the Paper
    • Name of the Author(s)
    • Name of the Institution
    • E-mail Address
    • Postal Address
    • Contact number


    • Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors. However, both authors need to register separately.
    • In case of co-authorship at least one author must attend the conference to present the paper.
    • No Proxy presentations are allowed.
    • Selected Papers will be published in a form of book with ISBN subject to the quality of the papers received.

    Note: Presentations by way of web-conferencing shall be available only for Academicians, Research Scholars and  Practitioners after prior intimation to the organizers.

    The paper must be accompanied with the following details:

    • cover letter mentioning the Name of the Author(s), Course, Year of Study (if applicable), Name of the College/University (if applicable), Professional Position (if applicable), with Postal Address, Email Address and Contact Number.
    • Registration Form – Students must send a scanned copy of the Registration form with the stamp/seal of the Institution Head/Head of the Department.
    • Scanned Copy of the Demand Draft.

    Above mentioned documents – Cover letter, Registration form and DD should be sent in both hard and soft copies. Soft copies should be e-mailed to and hard copy to the below mentioned address.

    Dr. Gopi Ranganath V., Faculty Coordinator
    National Conference Committee,
    School of Law,
    CHRIST (Deemed to be University),
    Bengaluru- 560029.

    • The School of Law, CHRIST in keeping with its mandate of publishing original material, adopts a stringent anti-plagiarism policy. Any paper containing any unattributed work is liable to be rejected.
    • One best paper will be chosen from each sub-theme and awarded a prize.

    Formatting Requirements:

    • The main text of the paper and the abstract should be in Times New Roman with font size 12 and line spacing of 1.5.
    • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with spacing of 1.0.
    • One inch margins should be maintained on all four sides.
    • Citation Style: Bluebook, 20th edition.
    • The maximum length of the paper shall not exceed 3500 words (excluding footnotes/end notes/annexure/reports etc.).
    • All abstract submissions are to be made in Microsoft Word (.doc) 2007/2010 format. Full paper has to be submitted in .pdf only.

    All submissions for the conference must be electronically mailed with the Subject Column as “Submission of Abstract/ Submission of Full Paper”, as the case may be and bearing the name(s) of the author(s) as the file names only at the following address:

    The soft and hard copies of the demand draft and registration form should reach us, on or before November 5, 2018.

    Registration Charges

    For Students: INR 1200/- for single authorship and INR 1600/- for co-authorship.

    For Academicians/Practitioners/Research Scholars: INR 2000/- for single authorship and INR 2500/- for co-authorship.


    Should you require any further inquires regarding the Conference, please mail ONLY at or call

    Ms. Aakriti Vikas at (M): 6360887700 or Mr. Aditya Sethi at (M): 8971796370.

    Please find the registration form here and for more details about the conference, refer to the brochure by clicking here 
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