RSRR Call for Blogs: ‘An Analysis Of Standard Clauses Related To Data Protection’. Submit by 25 January, 2019

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The Editorial Board of the RSRR invites submissions for the RSRR Blog Series on the theme “An Analysis Of Standard Clauses Related To Data Protection”


In the continuation of the Data Protection Series, the Editorial Board of RSRR has sought to dig deeper on the topic of Data Protection. The First Issue aimed at gauging a more general understanding and comparison of data protection laws, whereas, through this issue, we target more specific areas which the data protection framework touches/encompasses. There are certain standard clauses/provisions that are found in every Data Protection Law and Private Privacy Policies across the globe. Through this issue, we aim to study these standard provisions, the loopholes in them, the potential benefits and how they should be properly drafted. Other than protecting the civil liberties of individuals, a data protection regime touches the corporate sector in a multifarious manner, for instance, the compliance cost of running an enterprise increase, and particularly small companies face an increased financial burden due to the standards they have to meet as per the Data Protection law. Moreover, a certain “chilling effect” is possible for companies, which are at the risk of facing huge amounts of fine due to the data breach. Furthermore, data localization has been another conundrum which is being debated in the nascent Indian scenario. These topics are of utmost relevance in the current scenario, as the Legislature has a prepared draft of legislation on Data Protection, based on Justice B.N. Shrikrishna Report. Therefore, we expect original and novel posts which can add to the discourse of Data Protection.


  1. Privacy by Design.
  2. Fines and penalties imposed under the Data Protection Laws.
  3. Categorization of Data as Sensitive Personal Data.
  4. Data Portability.
  5. Compliance costs on Companies.
  6. Possibilities of Erasure of Data: Right to be Forgotten.
  7. Standards in duties and responsibilities of Data Collectors.
  8. Disclosure Requests.

The submissions are, however, not restricted to the aforesaid sub-themes, provided they fall within the ambit of the main theme.

Submission Guidelines and Procedure

  • All submissions must be in Garamond, font size 12, spacing 1.5.
  • All endnotes should be in Garamond 10, single-spaced.
  • Margins: Left 1.5 Inch, Right 1 Inch, Top 1 Inch, and Bottom 1 Inch.
  • Word Limit for each post is a maximum of 1500 words (exclusive of endnotes).
  • Please ensure the inclusion of endnotes instead of footnotes. A uniform style of citation is necessary for acceptance.
  • The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter specifying the author’s name, designation, institute, contact number, and e-mail for future reference. [Participants are requested to not put their name anywhere in the main manuscript]
  • All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  • The manuscripts must be e-mailed to
  • The subject should be titled “Submission for RSRR Blog Series Issue”.
  • All selected entries shall be published on the RSRR Blog Series.
  • E-certificates will be awarded to the authors of each published blog.
  • Co-authorship of a maximum of 2 is permitted.
  • The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions or views stated in the submitted Manuscript.
  • In the case of gross plagiarism found in the contents of the submitted manuscript, the manuscript shall be subject to rejection.
  • Copyright of all blog posts shall remain with RSRR. All Moral Rights shall vest with the author.

For more details download the detailed information click here.

Visit RSRR at click here


The last date of submission is 25th January 2019. 


In the case of any query, contact at

Furthermore, the following people can be contacted:

Managing Editor-     Yavanika Shah (9872466478)

Executive Editors-    Aryan Babele  (9926041054), Shrey Nautiyal (7988767598)

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