Research Associate Vacancy @ Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance,
National Law University Delhi
Deadline: 31st Jan. 2017
About the Centre:
Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance NLU Delhi Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance, National Law University Delhi (National Law University, Delhi established in 2008 by Act No.1 of 2008 of National Capital Territory of Delhi, Govt of Delhi, is one of the premier law universities established in India) has been constituted to uphold the commitment of the rule of law and good governance. The Centre emphases on sensitizing people on transparency and accountability in governance; empowering people such as students, lawyers, & public officials to contribute effectively to ensure transparency and accountability in governance; and creating and promoting quality research in the area of transparency and accountability in governance. The Centre also provides, for free of cost consultative services, training, sensitization and promotion on RTI, Labour and Industrial Laws and other governance related issues. The Centre also has organised national and International Conferences on good governance and corruption issues.
Research Associate Vacancy
Number Of Post:
One Post
LLM/PG in social science in public administration/public law with 55% Marks
Preferential qualification:
Empirical research experience and Publication experience. Preference may be given to the candidate, who has independently collected empirical data, rich experience in the operations of the SPSS software, and publication experience. Candidate should be below the age of 40 years at the time of appointment.
Job Description:
Empirical research on Legal Aid Services in India, publication and other research assignments of the Centre
Rs 25,000 (Consolidated) salary per month
Working Hours:
0930am–430pm (Monday to Saturday) Full time employment
Tenure of the post:
Initially for 06 Months, extendable on satisfactory service up to 2 years
How to Apply:
Complete Application with full bio-data should be sent to: Dr Jeet Singh Mann, Director, Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance, Room No 209, Academic Block, National Law University, Delhi Sector 14 Dwarka, New Delhi-110078, or mailed to Email ID:; on or before 31 Jan 2017
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