Project Abhimanyu– Free guidance & information to Law Students

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Project Abhimanyu–Pro Bono initiative that is working towards providing free guidance & information to Law Students


Project Abhimanyu is a pro bono initiative that is working towards providing  free guidance and information to law students who do not have access to it due to any reason. I have attached a write up on Project Abhimanyu for your reference.

What is Project Abhimanyu

‘Project Abhimanyu’ is a pro bono and voluntary initiative that aims at increasing access to career opportunities in the legal industry by providing free guidance and career counselling to law students who do not come from a law background.

It was started by Ojasvita Srivastava, an in-house counsel based in Delhi. It works assiduously with students to increase awareness among them about various career paths available in the legal profession, focussing on students from colleges that do not have an active placement cell. In colleges that do have a fully functional placement cell, it assists and contributes to the existing services available at the academic institution towards guiding students. It does so by seeking guidance from highly trained and experienced professionals in the legal industry who are willing to voluntarily mentor students in their free time. In the long run, Project Abhimanyu will work towards enriching the talent pool available to the legal profession.

What is the need for Project Abhimanyu

Most first generation lawyers have little guidance in terms of how to go about shaping their career in law. As a result, their career grows more in a trial and error fashion. Project Abhimanyu endeavours to change that. It is working towards building a system where students entering the legal profession would make informed and conscious decisions about their choices in law. Law is a difficult profession not only because it is a complex industry but also because it requires one to really slog to climb up. That said, it becomes all the more difficult when you are a first generation lawyer. The idea behind Project Abhimanyu is to guide first generation law students so they get a better shot at making a smooth transition from being a law student to becoming a lawyer. The founder of Project Abhimanyu had so far been guiding students studying in various colleges in Delhi, Noida, Lucknow, Pune, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Patna, Mumbai and Goa. But she realised that there are many more students across the country who also need guidance and this inspired her to start Project Abhimanyu and create a platform to reach out to more students across the country.

Services provided by Project Abhimanyu

Students write in Project Abhimanyu to ask any query related to the legal career.

These could be about improving their CV, internship applications, job applications, career guidance, civil services examination, higher education in India or abroad, CA/CS courses, working in-house or any other information related to law.

They simply need to drop an email to and they would be assigned to a mentor who would answer their queries.


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