Ph.D in Law, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi:
Last Date to apply 1st June 2019.
Indian Law Institute (ILI) was founded in 1956 primarily with the objective of promoting and conducting legal research. The objectives of the Institute as laid down in its Memorandum of Association are to cultivate the science of law, to promote advanced studies and research in law so as to meet the social, economic and other needs of the Indian people, to promote systematization of law, to encourage and conduct investigations in legal and allied fields, to improve legal education, to impart instructions in law, and to publish studies, books, periodicals, etc
Ph.D. in Law
An applicant holding LL.M. Degree from a recognized university with minimum 55% marks is eligible to apply.
The application form complete in all respect along with a brief Research Plan shall be submitted for admission.
For further details regarding PhD Regulations, Admission Test and Guidelines, please see the website of the ILI, here.
The candidates appearing in the qualifying examinations are also eligible to apply but their admission will be subject to production of proof of having acquired a minimum prescribed qualification, at the time of admission.
If the result of the qualifying examination is not declared till the date of admission, his/her admission shall be provisional. Such candidate shall give an undertaking that he/she is taking the provisional admission at his/her risk and that he/she shall submit the result of the qualifying examination on or before 15.09.2019.
In case the candidate fails to submit his/her final result of qualifying examination to prove his/her eligibility on or before 15.09.2019 for any reason whatsoever, his/her admission shall be treated as cancelled and the entire fee be forfeited.
Entrance Exam
There shall be a written test of three hours duration for the candidates who have not qualified UGC NET/JRF.
The written test shall consist of two papers and will be held on 08.06.2019 (Saturday) at 10.00 a.m at Indian Law Institute (Reporting Time 09:30 AM).
To apply, click here.
For full application details, click here.
Important dates
For More details see Prospectus link – CLICK HERE
For More Info, Please visit official website, CLICK HERE

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