Interview with Aamod M. Shirali (Assistant Professor) at V.M. Salgaocar College of Law, Goa
Crenzia, Student,
V.M. Salgaocar College of Law, Goa.
- Sir, as being a law teacher, how would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Dedicated faculty with eight years of teaching experience in subjects of inter alia Public International Law, Constitutional Law, Environmental law with special interest in Criminal Law.
- What inspired you to join law, were you able to satisfy yourself inspiration.
Nature and importance of legal education and advocacy inspired me to join Law as a discipline and pursue it as Career.
- How was your law school journey?
I joined LL.B (Degree) course soon after completion of B.Com. the Journey was very successful. I fared well in academics and participated in all extra curricular activities including National Moot Court Competitions.
- What are the opportunities that are open today to Law Teachers? How does one grow in this noble profession?
The Opportunities in the field of teaching is immense with the emergence of Deemed Universities in different States. In Goa, the scope is limited with just two Law Colleges. One can grow as a Teacher by efficient research work, Publishing articles on myriad subjects and issues, being updated with all legal developments in the country and contribute in legislative process.
- What’s the best thing about your job?
Knowledge Enrichment
- Sir, according to you what is the importance of Mooting,Publication and Internships in a law student life?
Mooting enhances the advocacy skills, Publication enhances research skills and Internships helps students gain professional and practical experience.
- Did you face problems in taking up law teaching as a profession and how did you cope up with all this?
It was challenging in the beginning. Passion helped me overcome adverse situations.
- What is the one thing that keeps you going?
Passion and the love for teaching. Each day is enjoyable as a teacher.
- Law profession demands a lot of attention and determination and also sleepless nights, what are those thoughts, the ideas which you had in the initial days of your struggle which never let you sleep?
Striving to learn and dedication.
- The best experience and a success habit you would like to share as a student for our readers that would encourage them.
Read for knowledge and survival not for examinations. Emphasise on sound knowledge of concepts. Reading ten minutes per subject per day is very useful and reduces bulk workload later. It is better to sweat in peace than during war.
- What would you suggest for the students who are new to the law profession and those who are graduating?
Work hard and be dedicated to your goal. Goal setting is important without which you will not strive.
- How do you measure the success of any person in their career?
Success is not measured by the merit certificates but knowledge and experience.
- What according to you should be the prime concern for law students?
Lack of dedication.
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Thanks for taking the time to share your unique journey with us, and best of luck to you!

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