Opportunity for Law Students-WBNUJS: Two-Day Training Session On “Arbitration Agreements” -16th -17th of July, 2022.

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  • ArbDossier in conjunction with the ADR Society of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS) is conducting a two-day training session on “Arbitration Agreements” on the 16th and 17th of July, 2022.
  • Each of the 9 Modules in the course will be instructed by a stalwart in the field of international arbitration, and the modules are structured as follows:

1. Validity and Requirements of Arbitration Agreements – Mr. Jesus Saracho (International Arbitration Attorney and Arbitrator).

2.Doctrine of Separability -Prof. Anthony Daimsis (University of Ottowa)

3. Kompetenz-Kompetenz – Dr. Robert Kovacs (Withersworldwide)

4. Law Governing Arbitration Agreements – Mr. Julian Ranetunge (King & Spalding)

5. Interpretation of Arbitration Agreements –The Hon’ble Mr. Barry Leon (33 Bedford Row, Arbitration Place)

6. Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements – Mr. Gautam Bhattacharyya (Reed & Smith)

7. Institutional v. Ad-Hoc Arbitration – Ms. Hana Doumal (BVI International Arbitration Centre)

8. Analysis of Model Clauses of Different Arbitral Institutions – Ms. Shan Greer (Arbitra International, BVI International Arbitration Centre)

9. Drafting of Arbitration Agreements (2 hours) – Mr. Enrique Molina (King & Spalding

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