With the run-up to the CLAT 2023 examinations, the NLSIU Bangalore Chapter of IDIA will be conducting an All-India CLAT Mock Examination, in collaboration with LegalEdge.
It is currently scheduled to be conducted on 13th December (Tuesday), 2022, in an online/virtual format. The mock would be an excellent opportunity for aspirants to get some last-minute preparation in, and ensure their entry into the reputed law schools of their choice. It might also be a valuable avenue to gauge and reflect upon your preparation at an all-India level, and warm up properly before exam day.
About IDIA
IDIA, or Increasing Diversity by Increasing Access, is a non-profit organization founded by late Prof. (Dr.) Shamnad Basheer in 2010. It aims to empower underprivileged and marginalized students, by providing them access to quality legal education. To ensure that such students can further empower themselves and the communities they belong to through legal education, IDIA members conduct sensitizations across India to spread awareness among underprivileged children about the opportunities to pursue law as a career. Thereafter, they select promising students and provide them training for law entrance examinations, including the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). IDIA also extends financial aid and mentorship to trainees once they secure admission into a leading law school.
About LegalEdge
LegalEdge is one of the most acclaimed and reputed CLAT coaching institutes in India, known for its high-quality mocks and lectures. Established by Mr. Harsh Gagrani and Mr. Karan Mehta, it has been a trailblazer in consistently turning out top rankers across law entrance examinations, particularly in CLAT and AILET. The institute is the knowledge partner for the mock with IDIA, and aims to continue helping law aspirants from diverse backgrounds in reaching their dream NLUs.
How to Register?
The registration fee for the mock is Rs. 99/-. All proceedings from the mock will go to the IDIA Charitable Trust, and will be used to support the legal education of students who come from underprivileged backgrounds.
To register, please fill out this form, with a proof of payment to Barath Arjun (+918921385915), Deputy Team Leader, Fundraising, Karnataka Chapter, IDIA. A link to the mock will be individually mailed to you upon verification. Results, solutions and ranks will be available on the LegalEdge platform. For the resolution of potential queries, please email idia@nls.ac.in.