An online training program on ‘Environment Legislations, Interpretation, Enforcement, Legal and Statutory Requirements – Case Studies’, is being organized by the Centre for Environmental Law Education, Research and Advocacy (CEERA), National Law School of India University, Bengaluru in collaboration with the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).
The Centre for Environmental Law Education, Research and Advocacy (CEERA), established in 1997 is a research centre that focuses on research and policy advocacy in the field of environmental law.
CEERA, has been partnering with Central Pollution Control Board in organizing Training programs for the officers of various State Pollution Control Boards and other industry professionals for over eight (8) years. One of the first in India, to successfully be granted a World Bank project and thereafter being a steady choice for the Ministry
of Environment Forest and Climate Change, CEERA has been entrusted with research projects and workshops to impart training to Forest Officers, Revenue Officers, Officers of the Central Pollution Control Board and also of the Government of Karnataka.
CEERA has completed a two-year Research Project granted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) under the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and as one of the deliverables, organised, convened and conducted over twenty workshops at Institutions of national repute creating awareness on the Biodiversity Law and Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) in less than 2 years. Two research publications on the scanty research area of biodiversity laws were also the outcome of this project.
The Program
The 5-day online training program focuses and aims to deliver on the Constitutional, Jurisprudential, and Interpretation of the prevailing environmental legislations.
The training program is designed keeping in mind the stakeholders from Government, Industry, Lawyers, Researchers, and others, contributing to the discussions and deliberations on contemporary environmental issues of national and international importance, developments across the Legislative and Judicial spectrum.
The program will strictly be on a registration basis and shall conclude with an ‘End Programme Test’ to ascertain the effectiveness of the sessions.
- Constitution and Legislative framework for Environmental Pollution and Protection
- Authorities and their role in Waste Collection, Management, handling and Disposal
- International Environmental Law, Doctrines and Principles; Balancing Business and Environment
- Cleaner Technology – Law and Compliance
- Criminal Laws, Procedure and Enforcement for abatement of Environment Pollution
- Judicial Standpoint, Case Studies, and Statutory Interpretation
Who May Attend The Course
- Entrepreneurs, Environmental-Engineers, Officers from Public Sector Undertakings and other State Agencies;
- Legal Counsels, Legal Consultants or Advisors, Legal Managers, from Manufacturing Sector;
- Members from the Central and State Pollution Control Boards;
- Members of the Industry, Directors, Supervisors, Senior Engineers, etc. from the Power Sector;
- Students, Research Scholars, Members of the Legal Academia, Inter-disciplinary Scholars;
Mode of Program
Online; Zoom
Important Dates
- Last Date for Registration and Payment of Course Fees: 30, January 2021
- Date of Course: 8th – 12th, February 2021;
Course Fees
Rupees 11,800.00 (Rupees Eleven Thousand Eight Hundred only) inclusive of Taxes) includes Course charges, reading material, and Certificate of Participation.
Course Fees may be paid by NEFT/RTGS/IMPS/Demand Draft in favor of DIRECTOR NLSIU SCHEMES AND PROJECTS, payable at Bengaluru along with the Registration Form attached.
How to Apply
To apply for the program, fill out the form through the link given below and upon remittance of Course Fees, the participant(s) shall send the Transaction Details along with a duly filled Registration Form to
For the brochure and registration form, Click here.