Online Quiz Competition on IPC, Environmental Law and Family Law by Iuris Atriu Online Quiz Competition on IPC, Environmental Law and Family Law by Iuris Atrium[Aug 25-27]: Register by Aug 20.m[Aug 25-27]: Register by Aug 20.

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Online Quiz Competition


IPC, Environmental Law and Family Law by Iuris Atrium

[Aug 25-27]

: Register by Aug 20.

About the organisation

The interaction of knowledge and skills with experience is key to learning. It’s the right time to get an award in return for your skills and knowledge.

Iuris Atrium is a legal organisation which conduct legal events in different modes. They provide a certificate for every eligible participant and memento as well.

About the quiz

Iuris Atrium is organizing our 3rd National Online Quiz Competition 2019. By the previous quiz response, they got demand for IPC and Environmental Law Quiz.

We have 3 different quizzes and the Topics are:

  1. IPC (Indian Penal Code)
  2. Environmental Law
  3. Family Law

Iuris Atrium will also provide Participation Memento along with Certificate to every participant through courier dates, i.e., 25th August 2019, 26th August 2019, 27th August 2019.

To register, click here.


Everyone who wants to participate can register themselves for this quiz including lawyers, law students, professors


  • 1st Position: Rs. 2,000 & Certificate of Excellence and Memento
  • 2nd Position: Rs. 1,550 & Certificate of Merit and Memento
  • 3rd Position: Rs. 1,000 & Certificate of Merit and Memento

Note: A Certificate of Merit for the next following 10 participants

Fee details

  • Single Participation 1 Quiz – ₹349
  • Single Participant in 2 Quiz- ₹649
  • Single Participant in 3 Quiz – ₹899


Register yourself till 20 August 2019

Contact Details

Phone/WhatsApp: +91 8810307589 and  +91 7838178383


for  website link  click here.

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