Online Internship Opportunity
@ Law Times Journal
[Jan 15-March 15]:
Apply by Jan 10
About the Organisation
Law Times Journal is a leading online platform aimed at presenting Legal Knowledge and creating Legal Awareness in society. Law Times Journal inculcates the idea of “Free Education” and our portal is the maiden effort to implement the same. We have a wide variety of readers from students, professionals, academicians to general public.
The main purpose is to create a portal which enhances the legal knowledge in all fields and streams of law. We provide articles on every topic of law, written in simple language ensuring easy understanding. All the material provided by us will be precise, easy to understand and well explained.
Every Article write-up written by the Intern will get published under the name of Author and the same will be specified in the Internship Certificate.
About the Internship
Interns Work: Work will be allotted to Interns as per the availability in the Profile:
They are inviting Applications for Online Internship for 2 months where the interns will be allotted work in a particular section of the website.
Internship Duration
January 15, 2020, to March 15, 2020.
Internship Type
Work will include research, drafting and writing.
Topics will be allotted to you, on which you have to research and make the submission. The type of work varies from Case Analysis, Article Writing, and Blog Write-up to News etc.
Skills Expected
- MS-Office Handling
- Communication Skills
- Legal Writing and Language Skills
- Good Research Skills
Working Sections
The interns can specify the sections they would like to work on while submitting their profile:
- Case Analysis: Deals with Judgments pronounced by Hon’ble Supreme Court and Hon’ble High Courts of the Country.
- Laws Explained: Deals with various laws where each provision/ section is explained in detail.
- BLAWG: Deals with practical questions and issues everyone has to be aware of.
- Voice of Women: Deals with laws, amendment and news that are aimed at welfare of women and aimed at promoting gender equality.
- News: Daily update of everything that happens in our legal fraternity.
Selection Process
The candidates must submit the profile and resume to
First Round: The Interns will be selected based on the Curriculum Vitae sent to the above-mentioned email id.
Second Round: Telephonic interview will be conducted to evaluate the legal and communication skills of the interns.
No Stipend
Applications will be open from January 2, 2020, to January 10, 2020.
- Publication under the name of the intern as Author in the website
- Internship Certificate
- Flexible Work Hours
- Letter of Recommendation (If needed by the Intern)
Note: During the period of 60 days you have to submit all the assignments assigned to you as per the guidelines provided to you through mentor. In case of failure to submit the assigned work, the intern will not be given the certificate. The write-up will be considered to be submitted successfully, once it is approved by the mentor for the publication.
Contact Details
If you have any queries, mail at or
B. Pragash: Editor-in-chief
Ms. Stuti Srivastava: Head of Digital Marketing and Social Media Coordinator
For more details, click here

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