About the Opportunity
Institute for Cultural Relations Policy or ICRP offers virtual internships to students from diverse academic backgrounds interested in international relations or world politics.
About ICRP
ICRP or Institute for Cultural Relations Policy is a non-governmental and non-profit organization fostering scientific education and public discourse regarding cultural relations policy.
The institution is officially run by Kulturalis Kapcsolatokert Alapitvany, based in Budapest, Hungary.
By this internship, ICRP aims to offer students from diverse academic backgrounds relevant experience in their future-to-be field of employment.
Who can Apply
- Level: Applicants should be students or entry-level professionals
- Subjects/Field of Work: Journalism/social studies/law/economics/international relations/political science or related fields.
- Skills: Very good knowledge of English is mandatory and good communication skills required.
- Other requisite: Possibility to use online devices/applications and to be able to use the internet is a must.
Responsibilities of the Intern
- Research (independent studies regarding cultural relations policy)
- Writing and editing of ICRP special edition publications of Human Rights Issues
- Writing articles/editing Cultural Relations Review monthly e-journal
- Organizing and participating in online events/activities, courses, lectures
- Information collection and data analysis for ICRP Online Resources
Recommendation and of course certificate of internship
How to Apply
- Interested students must send their application (CV and cover letter in English).
- The cover letter should specify the proposed period, dates of the internship and at least one of the preferred responsibilities.
- The application may be sent in the form of MS Word file attached to an e-mail to ICRP.
For more details, Click here.
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