Online Internship Opportunity For Law Students
@ CEERA, NLSIU, Banglore:
Applications Open
Online Internship for Law Students 2020
Centre for Environmental Law Education, Research and Advocacy (CEERA) established in 1997 is a Research Centre at NLSIU, headed by Prof. Dr. Sairam Bhat, Professor of Law, NLSIU.
CEERA focuses on research and policy advocacy in the field of environmental law, while building an environmental law database, effectively networking among all stakeholders, undertaking training and capacity development exercises, providing consultancy services and building an environmental law community are CEERA’s main objectives.
About the Internship
Environmental Law-Multilateral Environmental Agreements, FDI, PE Investment, Trademarks, Contractual enforcement, Urban Law and Governance, Water Law and allied areas.
Law Internship for Law Students
- Candidates should be at least in their 3rd year of 5 Years Law Programme, LL.M, MPP, MBL Candidates are also welcome to apply.
- Candidates should have a learning curve towards Research, strong writing skills, ability to draft, review, edit and Proof-reading.
- Candidates will be made to sign a Non-Disclosure & Confidentiality Agreement for maintenance of integrity. Indemnity will apply.
- Candidates must have a stable and strong broadband/internet connection to work remotely.
Duration of Internship
Not less than 20 days; starting May 12, 2020
LawOF is the emerging portal for Law Students & Teachers
Application Procedure
Interested candidates write to Rohith Kamath at
Subject: Application for Internship_Year of Study_Course
Mandatory Attachments: Curriculum Vitae and a sample of prior research work.
Contact Info
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LawOF Provides information about Internships for Law Students

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