Online Internship Experience at LawOF (FREEDOM TO WRITE YOUR MIND) (By Shivam Goel, 3rd Year Law Student at VIPS, Delhi)
Shivam Goel
Year of Study:
3rd year (5th Semester)
College Name:
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies (VIPS)
Your Email id:
Internship Organization Name:
Online Internship at LawOF
Organisation Website (If Available):
Organisation Contact Details (If Available):
Email: OR
About Organization:
LawOF is currently one of the most popular and trending web portal in India and strives for providing adequate knowledge to its readers and great scope and opportunities for many students to speak up their mind in forms of articles and other means. LawOF provides comprehensive legal information with all the academic opportunities coming their way in order to boost their career.
Duration of Internship:
One Month
Date & Year:
5th December 2017 to 5th January 2018
You are just required to submit your tasks on weekly basis and you can perform those as and when you find time.
Main Task Work Profile:
Basically, the tasks were divided into four parts, each to be submitted on weekly basis. Each task includes certain topics like case commentaries, interviews, blogs, etc. to be articulated and also one is given much freedom to choose more topics to research and write upon, which later gets published on the website of LawOF.
No stipend is provided but some interns may be selected for the paid internship programme in the next batch, on the basis of their performance and punctuality.
Application Procedure
The applications are invited by LawOF twice in a year. Applications are sent through e-mail at by attaching your CV with the application. From hundreds of candidates, only a few are shortlisted to be a part of internship programme. I received the affirmative response just a week before the commencement of the online internship.
First day at organization:
On the first day of my internship, the online interns were asked to introduce themselves on the WhatsApp group created by Dr. Dharmender Patial (Founder, LawOF) and Mr Suyogya Awasthy (CFO, LawOF). Soon, within a day I received a mail from LawOF briefing the task for the first week which was supposed to be submitted by next week. Mr Suyogya Awasthy was our Co-ordinator and who could be contacted in case any doubt arose in our minds pertaining to the submission of the tasks.
Best Part of Internship:
All way during the internship, there was our co-ordinator, Mr Suyogya Awasthy to guide all the interns in completing their tasks. He is a very kind person and typically replied on my every query within minutes.
Though during the second week, when we got to prepare too many articles, but that made me more near to being a better and well-motivated person. It was then when I was able to conquer my fear of writing such contents. Watching the tasks being published over the website left a remarkable satisfaction on my face, being my first ever work to get published on any official website. All through during the internship period, I got various opportunities to prove myself out, and hence whole internship period was best for me, in my opinion.
Biggest Lesson:
If you aspire to progress in any aspect of life, first face your fears and defeat them. It is only then when you will realise what success tastes like.
Anything else you’d like to tell:
Proper guidance is very essential whenever we try out something new. The guidance of Mr Suyogya Awasthy, our co-ordinator is appreciable as he spared his time for his interns to resolve all their doubts and also personally taking their reviews regarding their experience at LawOF.

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