- VIT, founded by the educationalist Dr. G. Viswanathan in the year 1984, maintains high academic standards. VIT School of Law (VITSOL), the progeny of VIT, entered the legal education arena in 2014, aiming at high goals to be achieved.
- The Law School aims to impart quality legal education to nourish young minds with the knowledge of the law, teach them the nuances of the legal profession and equip them for the practical aspects of the profession.
About the Seminar
- The Agricultural Sector continues to be the largest provider of livelihood in India. The fourth advance estimates for the year 2020-2021 released by the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India show a record 308.65 million tonnes of food grain production in India.
- The initiatives brought by the Government post-independence and the advancement of technology has accelerated the growth of the agricultural economy. With the advent of Globalization in the 1990s, modern Agro technologies were introduced, leading to the rise in trade of agricultural exports.
- However, Globalization failed to contribute towards reducing poverty and other social inequalities in the country. In addition, the increasing population and increasing average income might lead to an increase in the demand for food within the limited cultivable land.
- Further, to achieve Sustainable Development Goals, India needs to prioritize policies that end hunger, achieve food security, and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. Legislative gaps and lack of proper implementation of the existing laws have impacted the agricultural production, availability of agri inputs, agricultural marketing and supply chains rendering the farmers vulnerable to agrarian crisis.
- In this context, this conference is held with an objective to deliberate on the following themes and provide measures to resolve the issues faced by the agricultural system in India.
Themes and Sub-themes
- Laws relating to Agriculture
- Legislations and Policies on Agriculture – National and State
- Agricultural Reforms
- Agricultural Labour
- Agricultural Land
- Water and Irrigation Laws
- Constitutional Perspectives
- Agriculture and Environment
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Agricultural Pollution
- Agricultural Waste Management
- Agriculture and Climate Adaptation / Mitigation
- Agro-Forestry and Bio-fuels3) Intellectual Property Rights and Agriculture
- Plant Variety Protection and Agriculture
- Seed Protection and Sustainability
- Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous People
- Agro-Biodiversity and Biopiracy
- Agro-Biotechnology, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and its Implications
- Agricultural Infrastructure
- Horticulture
- Animal Husbandry
- Farm Inputs and Machinery
- Cold Storage Chains
- Agricultural Loans and Funding
- Subsidies and Financial Aid
- Foreign Direct Investment in Agriculture
- Agricultural Marketing
- Vertical Farming
- Renewable Energy and Agriculture
- Food Supply Chains
- Public Distribution Systems
- Contemporary Issues in Agriculture
- Agricultural Trade and Farm Management
- Religious, Cultural and Societal Dimensions
- Agriculture and Social Justice (Landless Labourers, Small and Marginal Farmers, Women, Migrant Workers, MNREGA)
- Technology, Automation and Agriculture
The above themes are only illustrative but not exhaustive.
The conference is open to students, Research Scholars and Academicians and Practitioners
Virtual mode- ‘Online’
Registration / Submission Procedure
Original unpublished Research Papers/Articles and Case studies are invited from academicians/research scholars/advocates and students for presentation at the Seminar. The papers will be selected after a plagiarism check of permissible limit up to 10% in Turnitin.
The abstract and full paper will undergo a double-blind peer-review process by the expert review committee before selection. The selected papers are to be presented in the Seminar and will be published as conference proceedings with ISBN.
Submission of Manuscripts
- Paper Title
- Author(s) particulars – Name and Affiliation with e-mail and phone number
- Abstract should not exceed 250 words.
- 3 to 5 keywords
- Full paper should not exceed 3000 words
- Reference should be in ILI Citation Style
- Submission in MS Office Word (.docx/.doc)
- Font – “Times New Roman”, Font size – “12pt”, Line space – “1.5”, Alignment -“Justified”
- All abstracts and full papers should be submitted only through the link provided
- The registration and abstract submission link is here.
- Payment Link
- On payment of registration fees, Zoom link will be provided
Fee details
- For Academicians/NGOs: Rs.750
- For Research scholars: Rs.500
- For UG and PG Students: Rs.500
- For every Additional author: Rs.500 (max. two co-authors)
Important Dates
- Seminar Date: April 09, 2022
- Last date for submission of Abstract: March 08, 2022
- Confirmation of Abstract: March 10, 2022
- Last date for payment of registration fees and submission of Full Paper: March 20, 2022
Contact information
- E-mail ID for Queries: vit.lawandagriculture2022@gmail.com
- Contact Number: 9551286673, 8610303302

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