Call for Papers: Contemporary Law and Policy Review by National Law University, Nagpur: Submit by June 15

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Call for Papers:

 Contemporary Law and Policy Review by National Law University, Nagpur:

Submit by June 15

 Call for papers for Law Students, Research Scholars, Academicians and Professionals

About National Law University, Nagpur

National Law University, Nagpur (NLU, Nagpur) was established by the Maharashtra National Law University Act (Maharashtra Act No. VI of 2014) and is the nineteenth National Law University in the country and eighteenth member of CLAT.

About Contemporary Law and Policy Review

The National Law University, Nagpur, Contemporary Law and Policy Review is a student-edited, peer-reviewed, Bi-annual law journal, under faculty supervision, aimed at an inter-disciplinary approach towards legal research. It seeks to provide a platform for comprehensive research on various facets of contemporary law and policy-related issues.

LawOF Provides information about call for Papers.

Categories for Submission

The Student Editorial Committee of CLPR is pleased to invite submissions from:

  • Academicians and Professionals
  • Members of the Bench and Bar
  • Government Officials
  • Research Scholars
  • Students

The journal does not restrict its scope to any particular legal sphere or area; hence the theme of the submissions may revolve around any contemporary issue of law and allied disciplines.

The Student Editorial Committee of CLPR invites submissions under the following heads:

  • Research Papers: The word limit should range between 5000-7000 words.
  • Notes and Comments: The word limit should range between 3000-4500 words.
  • Case Comments: The word limit should range between 2000-3000 words.
  • Book Reviews: The word limit should range between 1500-2500 words.

The above-specified word limits shall be exclusive of footnotes.

Guidelines for Submission

  • Research papers, notes and comments must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words.
  • Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed.
  • The submissions must be mailed to
  • The submissions must be the original work of the author(s). 15% in toto and 10% from a single source with acknowledgement will be considered within the permissible limits of plagiarism.
  • Submitted entries must not have been sent for consideration at any other place for presentation or publication.

Submission Deadline

The last date for submission is June 15, 2020, up to 11:59 PM. All submissions will go through rounds of scrutiny and the shortlisted contributors will be duly informed.

Contact Info

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