“NLU Delhi – UNCITRAL Asia-Pacific Day Essay Competition, 2016”.

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NLU Delhi – UNCITRAL RCAP 2016 Asia Pacific Day Essay Competition 0n 23.10.2016

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:


23rd October 2016


National Law University, Delhi is pleased to announce the NLU Delhi – UNCITRAL Asia-Pacific Day Essay Competition, 2016”. The Competition seeks submission of academic essays on topics relating to transnational business law from students currently pursuing law or business management courses in India. The purpose is to encourage scholarship and deepen understanding of international commercial law among students and young professionals.

Theme of the Competition:

Theme of the Competition is –Contemporary issues under the CISG vis-à-vis the Indian Sale of Goods Act”.  Essays should focus on the legal and practical aspects of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) with regard to the Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930. Papers without a direct focus on this theme will not be eligible for the Competition.

The completed essay shall be submitted on or before 23rd October 2016, 23:59 hrs, via email to ctcl@nludelhi.ac.in. Late submissions shall not be accepted under any circumstances.

Final Review:

The top essays that qualify through the Preliminary Review stage (with the number depending on the total number of entries), will be submitted for Review to a panel comprising of Prof. Michael G. Bridge,Prof. Ingeborg Schwenzer, Prof. A. Jayagovind, Prof. Bruno Zeller and Dr. Luca Castellani.

The best submissions will be awarded for their performance, based on the Evaluation Criteria laid down above. The following awards shall be given out:

The Top Three Essays will receive a Certificate of Award from UNCITRAL-RCAP and NLUD jointly.

The top 10 essays (including the top 3 essays) will receive a Certificate of Appreciation from Professor Bruno Zeller.


For any clarifications or queries, contact us at:

Centre for Transnational Commercial Law, National Law University, Delhi

Sector 14 Dwarka, New Delhi-110078. INDIA.

E-mail id: ctcl@nludelhi.ac.in


Organising Committee:

Dr. Risham Garg, Research Director,

Centre for Transnational Commercial Law (CTCL), NLU Delhi

CTCL Student Coordinators:

Rohan Dhariwal, Shubham Gupta, Tarun Agarwal


For Full Notification, CLICK HERE

For Rules, Guidelines for Submission, EVALUATION CRITERIA, etc. CLICK HERE

For Website/Full Information, CLICK HERE



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