NLU Delhi: National Quiz Competition for law students On Consumer Protection Laws 2021 (3rd Edition) -November 14, 2021.

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The Consumer Protection Act of 2019 went into force in August 2019 after being announced in July of last year. The bill repealed and entirely rewrote the three-decade-old Consumer Protection Act of 1986, with the goal of providing timely and effective administration.

Consumer protection laws are one of the most important aspects of the country’s market architecture, affecting a wide spectrum of stakeholders.

It is critical that students in law, commerce, management, and other fields gain a thorough understanding of the complexities of this specialised subject through classroom instruction and on-the-job training.

Eligibility Criteria

Undergraduate Students(Law)


  • INR 6000 for securing 1st position
  • INR 4000 for securing 2nd position
  • INR 2000 for securing 3rd position


Registration link

Rules of the competition

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