NLIU Trilegal Cambridge Scholars Summit on Mergers and Acquisitions 2018 [Feb 16 – 17, Bhopal]:
Register by Nov 10
16th – 17th February, 2017
The Centre for Business and Commercial Laws (CBCL) of National Law Institute University, Bhopal, in collaboration with Trilegal and Cambridge Scholars Publishing, is organizing the third edition of the NLIU-Trilegal Summit on Mergers and Acquisitions (2018 Summit) on 16th and 17th of February, 2018.
The aim of the 2018 Summit is to have a discussion on niche issues in the area of M&A among participants, panellists and audience.
Such a dialogue would help the fraternity in general and the students in particular in understanding the jurisprudence on M&A, it being a considerably new area of practice.
The 2018 Summit invites participation from authors, who are expected to submit either an article or an essay on M&A within the contours of the sub-themes in light of the relevant legal provisions.
The article/essay should focus on any of the following sub-themes:
1. Impact of corporate insolvency process on M&A
2. Impact of GAAR on M&A
3. Antitrust trends in M&A (for example, change in merger thresholds, Indian and global trends in antitrust and their impact on M&A activity)
4. M&A projections in the real estate market (for example, M&A activity in the light of InvITs and REITs, effect of RERA, 2016)
5. Regulatory developments affecting M&A transactions
6. Other contemporary issues relating to M&A
The 2018 Summit shall witness fifteen paper presentations which shall be selected after an intense review procedure.
The top two presentations in both the categories of articles and essays shall be conferred with rewards.
In addition to this, the fifteen submissions that get selected for presentation from both the categories shall be published in a limited edition book titled ‘Emerging Challenges in Mergers and Acquisitions,’ to be published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, commemorating the 2018 Summit.
The presenters at the 2018 Summit shall additionally receive a certificate acknowledging their participation as a delegate.
For Articles:
First Prize – Rs. 11,000 along with an offer of internship with Trilegal.
Second Prize – Rs. 8,000
For Essays:
First Prize – Rs. 11,000 along with an offer of internship with Trilegal.
Second Prize – Rs. 8,000
For the first time, the event is being opened to students of all disciplines. The student must be pursuing his/her Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D. degree.
Procedure and Rules:
Authors are required to register themselves provisionally by sending an e-mail, with the subject ‘Registration for NTS 2018’ outlining their intention of contributing to the 2018 Summit.
Provisional Registration is open up to 10th November, 2017 (11:59 pm).
A submission for the 2018 Summit shall be complete only when the author(s) has submitted the following:
A manuscript containing the article/essay and an abstract of not more than 300 words;
A brief profile of the author(s);
An originality statement, signed by the author(s), declaring that the manuscript is the original work of the author(s);
A copyright statement whereby the author(s) agrees that the copyright in the work shall vest in the Editor.
The aforementioned documents must be sent by e-mail, with the subject ‘Submission for NTS 2018,’ on or before 20th November, 2017 (11:59 pm).
Word Limit:
For Articles:
Manuscripts under this category should be 4000-6000 words long dealing with an issue in-depth and demonstrating a comparatively higher level of analysis. Co-authoring of papers (maximum two) among individuals of same or different institutions is permissible.
For Essays:
Manuscripts being submitted under this category should either cover a recent development or be issue-specific within the word limit of 2500 to 3500 words. Co-authorship is not permissible.
Kindly note that the word limit in respect of both the categories is exclusive of footnotes. Strict adherence to the word limit is highly prescribed.
Format of the Article/Essay:
Typed on A4 size electronic page.
Font size shall be 12 points in Times New Roman
1.5 interlinear space
Margins of one inch (2.54 cm) on all the four sides
For footnotes, font size shall be 10 points in Times New Roman with 1.0 line-spacing
Other Details:
Please read the Brochure carefully for other important details pertaining to the 2018 Summit. For avoidance of doubts, it is clarified that the facility of co-authorship, as mentioned in the brochure, is available only for the article category.
Deeksha Malik (Convenor, CBCL): +91 9039224737
Aishwarya Choudhary (Co-Convenor, CBCL): +91 9425607714
Arshia Verma (Secretary, CBCL): +91 7049729766
Click HERE.