Why is there a need to have knowledge of laws. By Heena Narwani.

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Why is there a need to have knowledge of laws.

By Heena Narwani.

It has been generally believed among different sections and groups of the society that legal education is only for the law students, lawyers etc. But, have you ever thought that how important role can basic legal education plays in our daily life. Being a citizen of a country, it is important to have the knowledge of laws of the country in which we are living. Having a knowledge of law will help an individual to tackle his day to day problems from consumer courts to fundamental rights. If one is not aware about the fundamental rights available to him under the constitution, then how he will be able to protect those rights. It has been said that “Knowledge is the Power”, which is very much true. An individual should always be aware of his rights & duties towards the society. It is very important for every person to have certain knowledge of law, otherwise it would become very difficult for him to tackle several problems. For example: when someone takes away your right, & you would not be in a position to stop him. It is notbecause you don’t know such person is taking away your rights but because you don’t know how to enforce those rights & stop that person.

There are certain laws & regulations, basic knowledge of which is very important, even if a person doesn’t belong to legal field. Sometimes, even if a person is aware of his rights fails to protect them just because he doesn’t know how to enforce them and what remedies are available to him in such circumstances. And this gives encouragement to those persons who are infringing the rights of others.

If you ever go in front of a judge & say, “I doesn’t know that was law” you will hear him say “Ignorance of law is not an excuse”. Lack of knowledge is the main reason that certain rights of a person get violated so easily.

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