3 Day National Webinar on Constitutional Morality & Transformative Constitutionalism by NUALS [Oct 14-16]: Register Now

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The National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS), the only National Law University in Kerala is a unidisciplinary university for undergraduate and post-graduate legal education. The University is recognized by the University Grants Commission and is also a member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

About the Webinar

The National University of Advanced Legal Studies is conducting a 3 Day National webinar on “Constitutional Morality and Transformative Constitutionalism” from 14th October 2020 to 16th October 2020. The idea of transformative constitutionalism focuses on the role of the state and the nature of obligation imposed on the state to ensure protection of individual rights.

The Indian judiciary in the recent past, through path breaking landmark decisions, has changed the face of Part III of the Constitution. Giving due importance to substantive equality and anti-discrimination, the Courts have recognised the need to remove a static interpretation of the equality and dignity clauses in India and to have a Constitution that is guided on the principles of transformation rather than medieval notions of hierarchy and discrimination.

The webinar intends to create discussions over such a shift in the adjudication of constitutional morality and thereby enhance the understanding of Constitutionalism, Transformative Constitutionalism and the Constitutional Morality doctrine in India used as a tool in adjudicating fundamental rights.

The webinar will be held virtually. The details will be mailed a few days before the webinar.


  • Social contract theory and fundamental rights
  • Transformative constitutionalism
  • Free speech and morality
  • Morality and right to religion
  • Public morality and constitutional morality
  • History and evolution of the concept of constitutional morality
  • Ambedkar on constitutional morality
  • Obscenity and morality
  • Comparative constitutional analyses of the concept of morality

Call for Papers

Quality research papers on the themes mentioned above are invited from Academicians, Researchers, Scholars, Students and Bar & Bench. Only one co-author is permitted. The co-author is also required to pay the registration fees.

Submission Guidelines

  • The abstract should not exceed 250 words, and must be accompanied by a cover page, stating the following
  • Title of the paper; Sub-Theme; Name of Author(s); Name of Institute/ Organization; Official Designation; E-mail Address; Postal Address; Contact Number.
  • The abstract should be sent to constwebinar@nuals.ac.in with the subject of the Mail as “Abstract Submission for-Theme-Subtheme-name of the author”.
  • The submission should be in word format.
  • After selection of abstract, the full paper shall be submitted to constwebinar[at]nuals.ac.in. The full paper should be between 3000-4000 words, excluding footnotes.
  • Font Size- 12, Font- Times New Roman, Line spacing- 1.5, Footnotes- Bluebook 20th Edition, footnote size- 10, Line Spacing of footnotes- single. Endnotes are not allowed. The submission should be in word format.
  • The research paper should be thematic, and identification of sub-themes is highly appreciated.
  • All research papers shall be subject to the scrutiny of anti-plagiarism software and the approval of the Editorial Board.
  • All research papers will be allowed to be presented virtually during the webinar.
  • Selected research papers after peer review will be published in the form of a book with ISBN Number.

Registration Details

To register for the webinar, click here.

Registration fee: Rs. 100 per person

Publication fee: Rs. 500 per author (For papers selected for publication after peer review)

Important Dates

  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: 15th September 2020
  • Notification of selection of abstract: 17th September 2020
  • Payment of Registration fees: 20th September 2020
  • Deadline for Full paper submission: 28th September 2020

Contact Info

Vishal Madhukuttan (Seminar Coordinator)

Email: vmadhukuttan43@gmail.com

Phone Number: 9061128454

Chaithanya B Ampadi (Seminar Coordinator)

Email: ampadichaithanya7@gmail.com

Phone Number: 9895567696

Ashwin Sathish Nair (Seminar Coordinator – Technical)

For full details, click here.

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