National Virtual Summit and Quiz Competition @ Together – We Can: Register by May 15

National Virtual Summit and Quiz Competition

[16th May, 2020]

@ Together – We Can:

Register by May 15

Online Submit for Law Students 2020

About the Organizer

 Together – We Can. We Will !! a non-governmental organisation (NGO), known for the welfare of the underprivileged and conducting law seminars and conferences across the country. Uptil now Together – wcww has organised various programs such as Cloth Donation Drive (in areas of GTB Nagar, Model town and Wazirpur village), Free legal aid services, making people aware of their rights and protecting them from being exploited from middle men and other non-ethical conducts of various government officials. Apart from this, as of now we have conducted many seminars for young law students to help them build an understanding of law and how advocacy and litigation are different from what is being taught in law books.

About Webinar

Together – We Can We Will !! is conducting a National Summit on “Legal Issues in Contemporary World” on 16th May, 2020. The summit is fixated to provide an insight of legal issues faced by the world with special reference to Covid-19. After, webinar, we will be conducting a small quiz of not more than 10 Questions. The quiz shall contain questions of your take-away from the webinar.


Note: Participants will be on mute and can ask questions over chat or the Q and A box.

 Platform: Zoom. We are taking all precautions suggested by the public authorities.

LawOF Provides information about online summit and Quiz  for Law Students


Date and Time

May 16 (Saturday), 3:00 PM IST.

Registration Details


Registration fee: No registration fee.

For Certificate: Participants will need to attempt a quiz, as mentioned above, to make you eligible for appearing for the quiz, you are required to pay a sum of Rs 50-/. After successfully completing the quiz, you will be awarded a certificate. Payment details are mentioned on the registration form.

 To Register,  click here. 

Please note: It is mandatory to fill the registration form.

 Join our group on WhatsApp or Telegram, after registering

Contact Details:

  • Ishaan Garg:+91-8851742417
  • Mudit Saxena:+91-7784801244
  • Rudrabhishek Chauhan:+91-8931899445

Important Links

For Whatsapp link, click here.

For Telegram Link, click here. 

 For Official Link , click here. 

LawOF is the emerging portal for Law Students & Teachers


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