National Seminar on Legal Aspects of Uranium Mining in India
@ WBNUJS, Kolkata: Submit by Sep 10.
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences is an autonomous law university established in 1999, offering courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is in Salt Lake City of Kolkata, West Bengal, India
About the Seminar
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS) in association with The Uranium Corporation of India Limited is organising the seminar and Paper Presentation.
The guiding questions that the seminar attendees would seek to address and answer are:
- Why it is crucial to address the problem identified, i.e. the sustainable development in terms of the project/uranium mining vis-à-vis the environment protection?
- What has already been done to solve the problem of abatement with respect to the mining project?
- What are the ideas/plans that can be adopted from other similar jurisdictions and areas?
- How to balance the rights of the indigenous people whose lands and forests have been/would be acquired for mining?
- Are there any scientific exploratory ideas that would harmonize the balance between the rights of the indigenous people and the development through uranium mining?
Probable solutions and proposals to hindrances faced by the various stakeholders, including the indigenous people and the UCIL involved in the mining activity, the publication of information materials, and the papers presented and ideas projected would be the sought after objectives.
The themes of discussion seek to explore a broad set of law, policy and governance issues related to the mining sector besides other contemporary issues relating to mining like its interplay with the environment and the applicable laws in this regard, the interface of judicial review, enviro-legal issues, interconnecting technology with transparency- augmentation through the e-bidding process etc.
The Seminar invites participation, papers and presentations from:
- Students from the institutes of Law and other institutes of social sciences.
- Academicians and Scholars in the field of law and related fields of social sciences.
- Researchers & Policy Drafters.
- Advocates/ Legal Practitioners/ Judges and Transactional Lawyers
- Industry officials and the Mining personnel.
- Government Officers& other Law enforcement Officers
- Members from the Executive engaged in environmental management and clearance related to mining.
Call for Papers
Well researched papers are invited from scholars, lawyers, practitioners, academicians, experts in mining, research scholars and related sectors and students on the themes and tenors cited above. All interested may send an abstract of not more than 500 words highlighting the key issues intended to be discussed in the paper by 10th September 2019.
Acceptance of the abstracts will be duly intimated by 11th September 2019 after the same have been shortlisted on the basis of quality and originality of arguments, and the full papers are required to be submitted by the authors thereafter by 25th September 2019 11:59 PM (IST).
The authors of such papers will be given an opportunity to present their paper on the day of the seminar under various sessions. In addition to this, the presenters will be duly acclaimed by a ‘Certificate of Participation & Paper Presentation’ that will be awarded. Besides, the publication of selected papers might also be considered.
- Co-authorship up to two is allowed with separate registration.
- All Papers and Abstracts shall be sent via e-mail to as an attachment, the subject of which should mention ‘ABSTRACT SUBMISSION’ or ‘PAPER SUBMISSION’ accordingly.
Both the Abstracts and Final Papers should mandatorily have a separate Title Page which clearly indicates the following-
- Name of the author(s)
- Designation of the author(s)
- Contact details of the author(s)
- Email Id(s) of the author(s)
Important Dates
- Last Date of Submission of Abstracts 10th September 2019
- Notification of Acceptance 11th September 2019
- Last Date of full paper Submission 25th September 2019
- Last Date of Registration/Payment of Fees 12th September 2019
- Date of the Seminar 27th September 2019
Registration and Fee Details
Last Date of Registration is 12th September 2019.
for registration form click here.
- For Participation only ₹400/-per participant
- For Paper Presentation ₹500/-per presenter
- Participants are required to make their own arrangements for travel, local conveyance and accommodation.
ACCOUNT NO: 520101251314511
Contact Details
Ms. Ridima. Sinha: +91-9008358671
Ms. Antara. Bordoloi: +91-8876736879
Mr. Parth. Gala:+ 91-9819868846
Mr. Anirudh. Goel:+91-9163954399
For full details, click here.