CfP: National Seminar on Gender and WASH: Problems and Prospects by SOL for law students at Presidency University [Mar 27]: Submit by Feb 25

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Presidency Group of Institutions (PGI) constitutes 8 Schools, 2 colleges, and 1 University. Presidency University, which has been awarded the title of ‘Best Emerging University’ in South India, has strongly advocated Equal Opportunity and Gender Inclusivity as a University Policy. The University’s academic program is designed to foster intellectual vibrancy, academic rigor, and community activism. Presidency University has six schools, one of them being the School of Law. In pursuance of this intellectual exercise, the School of Law takes the opportunity in the organization of this National Seminar.

Overview of the Seminar

The access to clean water and basic sanitation has been declared by UNGA as a basic human right and it is essential for achieving gender equality, sustainable development and poverty alleviation. WASH is an acronym which was adopted by the UN in 2008, the International Year of Sanitation. The W of WASH stands for Water, specifically access to safe drinking water, the S stands for Sanitation, while H stands for Hygiene.

The move to the language of WASH signals a wider agenda, recognizing the need for a range of complementary political, economic, and socio-cultural changes and measures needed in addition to services and infrastructure, to realize the ultimate goal of WASH – “human health, well-being, and development” Sustainable Development Goal 5 aims at achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls, while Sustainable Development Goal 6 exists to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. The two SDGs sit side by side, and for very good reason. Gender equality in respect of the human rights to water and sanitation will not only empower women individually but will also help women overcome poverty and empower their children, families, and communities. Women, girls, and other gender-discriminated people still endure the burden of inadequate WASH facilities in health care centers, in schools, in public spaces, and in their own homes.

Against this backdrop, this seminar aims at an elaborate discussion on WASH from the point of gender justice and women’s rights. It focuses on addressing the question as to how gendered social relations intersect with the material dimensions of WASH and on the exchange of ideas and thoughts in ensuring universal access to WASH for all everywhere. This is an initiative to bring to the surface the perspective and voices of those who have experienced marginalization and its manifestation.


  • Last Date for Abstract Submission: February 25, 2021
  • Communication of Selected Abstract: Rolling basis (On or before February 25, 2021)
  • Last date of Registration: March 5, 2021
  • Submission of Full Paper: March 15, 2021
  • Seminar Date: March 27, 2021


Papers are invited on the following sub-themes and such related themes that can contribute to the objective of the seminar.

  • WASH and Gender Equality
  • Gender Responsive: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Mainstreaming the Right to Water and Sanitation in India
  • Public Policy: Accessible and affordable WASH
  • Judicial Activism and WASH
  • Equality, Equity, Development, and Sanitation

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstract: The abstract shall not exceed 300 words, and must be  accompanied by a cover page, stating the following:
    • Title of the Paper and Sub – Theme
    • Name of the Author(s)
    • Name of the Institution, wherever applicable
    • Email Address and Contact Number
    • Postal Address
  • Name of the abstract file and subject of the email for sending the same, shall be in the following format:
  • Abstract_Sub-theme Number_Full Name of the Author. For eg. Abstract_1_RamanSharma
  • Paper: The paper must be accompanied by a cover letter mentioning the following details:
    • Name of the Author(s)
    • Course (if applicable)
    • Year of Study (if applicable)
    • Name of the College/University (if applicable)
    • Professional Position (if applicable)
    • Postal Address
    • Email Address
    • Contact Number

Name of the full paper and the subject of the email for sending the same shall be in the following format:
Paper_Sub-Theme Number_Full Name of the Author


Selected Papers will be published in the form of a book with ISBN. Submission of the full paper would be presumed as unconditional consent of the author/s for a possible publication by the organizers.

The payment is to be made here

Registration Fee payment proof (screenshot shall be sent to)

Registration Fee

  • Students: Free
  • Others
    • Single authorship: Rs.700/-
    • Co-authorship: Rs. 1200/-

Contact Information

For any further clarifications mail at or, contact the Student Coordinators:

  • Saumya Raj: 9123195435
  • Kiran Shree Baruah: 8414090304
  • Muskan Ajitsaria: 9831727177
  • Abinash Bharadwaj: 7086512788

For the official brochure click here

For registering in the seminar click here

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