National Seminar on Child Rights and Child Protection @ Nehru Memorial Law College, Hanumangarh [Nov 16-17,2019]: Submit by Oct 30.

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National Seminar on Child Rights and Child Protection

@ Nehru Memorial Law College, Hanumangarh

[Nov 16-17,2019]: Submit by Oct 30.

About the Organisation

The Nehru Memorial Law College, Hanumangarh Town (Rajasthan) was established in the year 1980 by Rashtriya Shikshan Sansthan Samittee since then this institution is imparting legal education with excellence. The College is permanently affiliated to Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner formerly the University of Bikaner and was the first of its kind to be an independent Law College in the state of Rajasthan.

About the National Seminar

The Nehru Memorial Law College is organising a National Seminar on Child Rights and Child Protection: Issues, Challenges and Strategies.

Date: November 16-17, 2019

Today’s children are tomorrow’s leader. But where they will lead the future world is depend on their present development. The emotional, social and physical development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development and on the adult they will become. That is why understanding the need to invest in very young children is so important, so as to maximize their future well-being.

Call for Papers

Interested authors should submit an abstract of their original research/conceptual papers and empirical studies/case studies briefly describing objectives, methodology, major results and its implications in about 300 to 500 words.

All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and evaluated before final acceptance. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit and present the full paper at the seminar.

All the abstracts and full-length papers shall be sent as an attachment on email id.:

Registration Procedure & Fees

Participants willing to attend the seminar should fill the enclosed Registration Form and submit along with the requisite fee. The filled-in registration form can be sent electronically or by post. In case of electronic submission of registration form & requisite fee should reach the N M Law College, Hanumangarh Town (Raj.)-335513.

Registration fee should be submitted through Demand Draft/Bankers cheque drawn in favour of Principal, N M Law College, Hanumangarh Town payable at Hanumangarh, Rajasthan (India) or maybe directly deposited to the account no 20210200000003, UCO Bank, Station Road, Branch, Hanumangarh Town having IFSC NO. UCBA0002021.

  • Academicians: 1,000 INR
  • Professionals(NGOs/Media Persons/Policymakers): 1,000 INR
  • Research Scholars: 700 INR
  • Students: 500 INR

Important Dates

  1. Last date for sending Abstract: 30 October 2019
  2. Acceptance of Abstract: 05 November 2019
  3. Last date for sending full paper: 15 November 2019
  4. Date of Seminar 16-17 November 2019

Contact Info

Email id.:

For the brochure, click here.

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