National Level Law Festival “LAW TRYST” 2017 (From 03rd- 05th March 2017) @ Jitendra Chauhan College of Law, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai

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National Level Law Festival “LAW TRYST” 2017 (From 03rd- 05th March 2017)

 Jitendra Chauhan College of Law, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai


Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandals, Jitendra Chauhan College of Law is going to organize a National Level Law Festival LAW TRYST for the 18th consecutive year. Law Tryst is aimed at providing an opportunity to law students across the country to use their legal skills to the fullest and share their experiences with other dynamic lawyers in the making.


LAW TRYST 2017 is scheduled to be held on 03rd,  04th  and 05th  of March 2017.

Our yearly tradition will feature the following events:


Sr. No. Event Sr. No. Event
1. Moot Court 6. Palace of Illusion
2. Lok Sabha 7. Mr. & Ms. Tryst
3. Client Counselling 8. Mock C.I.D.
4. Law Firm Management 9. Kong Pong
5. Slaughter House 10. Foot Pool



The Registration fee for the festival is Rs 2,000/- and for team joining us from colleges outside Mumbai accommodation will be provided at an additional cost of Rs 3,000/- per team from 12 noon of 03rd March 2017 upto 12 noon of 06th March 2017 .

The registration form along with the registration fee should reach us on or before 11th  February 2017. Registration will be accepted on first come, first served basis.


Accommodation for additional days shall be provided at their own cost.

Two separate Demand Drafts should be drawn in favor of JITENDRA CHAUHAN COLLEGE OF LAW – A/C LAW TRYST. Registration and/or accommodation shall be confirmed upon receipt of the Demand Draft(s).


For further queries kindly call, message or e-mail our communication committee representatives:

1) Nidhi Singh -07738734698

2) Sofia Udaipuri- 09769117260

3) Yash Mehta – 09769884301

4) Rohan Chaudhari – 09167112320

5) Priyank Shah – 09320761220

You may send us an E-mail on


For Full Information, Visit “LAW TRYST 2017” Website, CLICK HERE

For General Rules, CLICK HERE

For Registration Form, CLICK HERE

For Travel Plan, CLICK HERE

For Schedule, CLICK HERE


LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program/Job Post/Internship. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

The Contents of this Website are informative only and for the benefit of the general public. Even though every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of information and procedure, the is not responsible for any inadvertent errors and the same may please be brought to the notice through e-mail:


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