3 Day National Law Fest “ Lex Ultima’17”
from 10th to 12th March ‘2017
SDM Law College, Mangalore.
Last date of registration: 20th January, 2017
For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:
Lex Ultima’17
Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Law College, Mangalore in staying true to its legacy of hosting innovative events, Proudly presents “Lex Ultima ‘17”, a 3-day National Law Fest from 10th to 12th March ‘17.
The Law Fest will witness a host of events such as
1. All in all Advocacy (Client Counselling, Negotiation, Trial Advocacy and Appellate Advocacy)
2. Youth Parliament
3. Bail Petition
4. Law Quiz
5. Legal Drafting
6. Judgement Writing
7. Legal Fiction Writing
8. Legal Research Paper
9. Crisis Management
10. Legal Crossword
Winners will be awarded with cash prizes.
Important Dates:
- Last date of registration: 20th January, 2017
- Dates of events: 10th to 12th March ‘17.
For more details, Contact:
Gauthmi Bhandary : 9632306666
Vikram Raj : 8762793466
Athulya : 9400510168
E-Mail : Sdmlcmootcourt@gmail.com
For Rules & Regulations, CLICK HERE
For Schedule, CLICK HERE
For Registration Form, CLICK HERE
LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.
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