National E-Seminar on Covid-19: Impact on Employment and Labor by Anand Law College for law students (Feb 20): Submit by Feb 15

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Anand Law College is a legal establishment recognized by the Bar Council of India, New Delhi since 1964. College is being managed by Shri Ramkrishna Seva Mandal, Anand, and has been rendered an authenticity for permanent recognition to offer various Law Programs. Its affiliation is with Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar.

About the Seminar:-
Presently the entire world is facing the serious challenge of pandemic Covid-19. More than 8 Crores of people were affected by the Virus and more than 17,00,000 died. In India, more than 1,00,00,000 people were affected by the virus, with the loss of more than 1,00,000 life. The impact of lockdown is turning out to be immense. Since economic activities have come to a standstill, factories are not running, establishments are closed, and most markets are shut, there is a disruption in work, wages/income, and food all three are interconnected for crores of people in India. Almost 90 percent of workers in India work in the informal economy – that part of the economy which thrives on daily work, and daily cash, with little provisions of employment protection. The current lockdown has exposed millions of workers and their families to starvation, hunger, death, and very bleak future prospects. Job loss is the most severe immediate impact of the COVID-19 crisis.

The seminar will gather various eminent speakers and scholars engaged in the Law and other Profession

Call for Papers:-
Seminar papers are invited from faculties, lawyers, social activists, research scholars, and students on any sub thematic areas or it could be submitted on the main theme in general.
All the papers will be submitted to the panel of the editorial board to examine originality and contribution to academics.
Every author has to submit an undertaking of its originality and no copyright violation with their research paper.
The best three research papers will be rewarded.
Selected qualitative research papers will be published which will be collected by 15th February 2021.

Guidelines for Paper Submission:-
The research paper presenter is expected to apply research skills and use appropriate research methodology. It is necessary that every paper is confined to the main theme or sub-themes of the seminar.
It should have proper research questions and also suggest the outcomes of research with the findings. Paper should not contain more than 4000 words.
It must be typed in Times New Roman Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides with
1.5 line spacing using MS Word.
Submission of an empirical research paper is appreciated, but the researcher is expected to submit an analysis of substantive data and sample report.

Submission Details:-
Kindly send your abstract or full papers soft copy/electronic form only on the following email id:
Every paper presenter is required to submit an abstract of 350 words with keywords stating the Statement of the problem, research questions, and methodology applied in the paper with major expected findings.

For registration click here:-

Online Platform Mode: Google Meet (The link will be provided later)

Contact Details:-
Mr. Ranvirsinh Mahida: 9879859559
Ms.Anjana Solanki: 9723612621

For the official notification click here

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