Who Are The Organisers?
The Indian Law Institute [ILI]–set up on 27th December, 1956 is an International Centre for advanced socio-legal research and has done significant work in the field of legal research, education and training. It has made notable contribution in the legal arena. Besides performing important advisory role in fostering the empirical research and making law as an instrument of social engineering, it undertakes research on current legal issues. The Institute is an autonomous body registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 No. S. 1049 of 1956-57.
The Centre for the Study of Law and Governance (CSLG), Jawaharlal Nehru University, since its inception, has initiated a new interest in examining how practices of governance get stabilised through law and how these practices open law to further contestation. The Centre adopts a multidisciplinary approach to framing research and teaching on the relationship between law and governance. The Centre’s interdisciplinary focus draws on critical social science approaches in its attempt to explore how practices of law and governance are embedded in political, economic, social and historical processes; how practices of governance are dispersed over various sites ranging from the government, bureaucracy, judiciary, community and family; the socio-legal processes that deter or provide access to justice; and notions of governmentality, sovereignty and rights in specific politico-jural regimes.
What Are The Details Of The Event?
- Theme: Fifty Years Of Basic Structure Doctrine (1973-2023): In Retrospect And Prospect
- Objective: To revisit the question and to, particularly, look at how well doctrine worked in the past 50 years and is it still efficacious to preserve the Constitution even today when its core values are diluted not through formal constitutional amendments but through other means.
- Date & Time of the event: 24th April 2023 at 04:00 PM
- Venue: Plenary Hall, The Indian Law Institute New Delhi.
- Eligibility: Any person can participate in the event
- Speakers:
- Prof. (Dr.) Upendra Baxi, Emeritus Professor, University of Warwick and Delhi.
- Prof. (Dr.) Kamala Sankaran, Professor and Ford, Foundation Chair in PIL, NLSIU, Bangalore.
- Dr. P. Puneeth, Associate Professor, CSLG, JNU, New Delhi
For More Information:
CLICK HERE For The Banner
CLICK HERE To Visit The ILI Website
CLICK HERE To Visit The CSLG Website

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