National Conference On Intellectual Property Rights by NorthCap University in Collaboration with IP India [5th Sep, 2020]: Submit by August 10

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About The School

The NorthCap University’s School of law (SOL) is amongst the premier law schools in North India and the preferred destination for every law aspirant. In the National law schools survey published in 2017, SOL was awarded 2nd rank in the Northern Region and 5th Rank in the Category of ‘Eminence by Global Human Resource Development Centre (GHRDC), new Delhi.

About the Conference

School of Law, The NorthCap University (NCU) is organising a conference on “Amplitude and Dimension of Intellectual Property Rights” on 5th Sep, 2020 at the University (NCU). The purpose of the conference is engaging in a dialogue on issues concerning the intersections of technological and contemporary issues on intellectual property.

The forum shall also be used to advance a deeper understanding among practitioners of IP, academicians, researchers and policy makers about the increasingly important role of social justice in an era of technological progression, under the modern day context.

Finally, we hope that this conference will encourage students, scholars, practitioners, academicians and others at all levels to pursue careers in the academic arena.


·             SEPs & FRAND Licensing- an emerging trend

·             Data Exclusivity of TRIPS Agreement

·             Conceptual Issues in Patenting of life forms

·             Originality under Copyrights Law

·             Digital Technology & Copyright issues

·             Protection of Trade Dress

·             Geographical Indication and Traditional knowledge

·             Academic Research and Copyright issues

·             Copyright and Entertainment Industry

·             Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers right

·             Designs and Trade Secrets

·             Competition Law and IPR

·             IPR and Management 

·             IPR and Pharmaceuticals

·             Emerging Concerns in IPR Regime

·             Internet related issues on IPR

·             Problems and Encounters in filing application for Copyright, Trademark, Patent & other IPR

·             IPR Dispute Settlement and WTO

·             Software protection: International instruments & trends

 However these sub-themes are only illustrative. Any relevant topic connected to the theme can be considered.


This conference is open to academicians, scholars, students and practitioners on the above theme. Prior registration for conference is compulsory. Registration fees details are as follows: 

Registration Fee for Paper Presenters/Participants: 

The Fees for all Participants is Rs.500/-

For Google Form : click here

Mode of Payment

·             The following are the bank details for online transfer of funds-

Name: The North Cap University

Name of the Bank: Syndicate Bank

Branch: NCU, sector 23-A, Gurgaon

Account No: 82472010013980

IFSC: SYNB0008247

·             Registration Fee can be paid via Demand Draft in favour of “The NorthCap University” payable at “Gurugram”. The Demand Draft must reach the undersigned on or before March 05, 2020.


The Conference will be conducted on Microsoft Teams App.

·            IMPORTANT DATES

Last date for Submission of Abstract is August 10 , 2020

Last date for Submission of fee and registration form August 15, 2020.

Last date for final paper submission is August 20, 2020.

All submissions (Abstract & Final paper) for the Conference must be sent as an attachment with an e-mail to

NOTEOnce the payment has been made, please take a screen shot of the transaction and email it along with the scanned copy of the registration form to Separate registration needs to be done for co-author.

Organizing Committee

Faculty Coordinator

1.         Dr. Tapobrata Pakrash

 Assistant Professor


2.         Ms. Unanza Gulzar

Assistant Professor

Email Id:

Student Coordinators

1.         Amardeep Chahal

Email id:

Mobile no: 9466454545

2.         Mayank Dahiya

Email id:

Mobile no: 7838849474

3. Nayan David

Email id :

Mobile : 8130701438

For Brochure, click here.

LawOF is proud to be Media Partner this Event

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