University Institute Of Legal Studies(UILS), Chandigarh University
Is Organizing
One Day National Conference
“The New Generation Laws”
Uils, Block 9, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali (140413)
For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:
About UILS, Chandigarh University
University Institute of Legal Studies (UILS) is a department of Chandigarh University, Mohali, (Punjab) which is recognized under Section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956. The Institute has already created a riche for itself on account of its distinct scheme and syllabi.UILS caters five years integrated BA LL.B, BBA.LL.B and B.Com LL.B course, three years LL.B and also most prestigious one year LL.M programme. The department has alreadysuccessfullyorganized one National Moot Court Competition, various workshops, guest lectures etc.
About Conference
Society prospers when people are vibrant and laws are progressive. Every society extracts the concept of security and reliability from strong legal system. Revolution in law and upside down concept of norms is the gist of the welfare state provided to the realm. Slavery was one in the chest of the castle of legal system as was Sati practice and so on in Indian society. These concepts had been stamped down and as the contemporary concept of laws are coming, it has reached up to the level of brain and technologies leaving the traditional crimes and laws in the back seat. The main purpose of thisconference is to hold discussions on the scope and practices in new upcoming areas of laws like IPRs, Cyber Law, Space Laws, International, Constitutional, ITL, Criminal Laws, Technology and Entertainment laws etc.
Conference Themes
THEME I – Intellectual Property Rights
- Geographical Indications
- Traditional Knowledge
- Software patents
- IPR v Competition Law
- Cyber Law v IPRs
- Cyber Defamation
- Non-Conventional Trademarks
- Data Protection Laws in India
- Design Patents
- International Conventions on Patents
- Plagrism and copyright
THEME II – Corporate Laws
- Competition and Anti-Competition practices
- Abuse of Dominant position
- Anti-Trust Laws
- Whistle Blower Protection
- Insider Trading
- Cross border mergers
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Role of women director in Company
- Consumer and health care markets
- Role of regulatory authorities in capital market
- Jurisdiction of courts and Negotiable Instrument Act
THEME III- Constitution law of India
- Legal Validity of demonetization
- Personal Laws v. Uniform Civil Code
- Need of Lokpal
- Anti-defection law
- Appointment of judges
- Collegiums System
- Uncle Judges Practices
- Inter-country Adoptions
- Religious intolerance
- Monetary Laws
- Right to information
- RTI vs Political Parties
- RTI vs Judges Medical claims
- Media and Reasonable Restrictions
- Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
- Cruelty towards animals
- Uniform Labour Code
- Centre State Relations on financial Policies
- Retrospective effect of taxation
- Double Taxation Treaties
THEME IV- Criminal Law
- Enforceability of Criminal Amendment Act 2013
- Compensation to victims of crime
- Plea bargaining in India
- Euthasiana
- LGBT Rights
- International Protocols and Capital Punishment
- Surrogacy
- Witness Protection
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Delegalizing Attempt to suicide
THEME V: International Law
- Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs)
- Foreign Direct Investment in Insurance, Health, Defense, Retail sectors
- India and Investment Disputes
- Uniform Anti-Terrorism Code
- Narco Terrorism
- Cyber Terrorism
- Conflict of Laws
- Applicability of Foreign Judgments and awards in India
- Acquisition of land by countries
- Climate Change
- Refugee Protection beyond territories
- Intra State Water Dispute
- Emigration Laws
Note: Any other related topics are invited
- The registration fee for conference for the Students and Research Scholars is Rs 600 (each participant); For Academicians, Advocates, NGOs and others is Rs 800 (each participant)
- Each participant is required to pay fee along with the registration form.
- In case of co-authorship the registration fees is to be paid by both authors separately.
- The registration fee is to be paid through Demand Draft in the favor of ―Chd Edu TrUnivInst of Legal Studies, payable at Mohali on or before10th January 2017.
- The abstract should not be more than 300 words which should reach us on or before January 25th, 2017via email to
- The selection of abstracts would be intimated to the authors by January 28th, 2017.
- Last date of submission of full paper is 15th February, 2017
Important Dates and Deadlines
- Date of Conference: February 25th,2017
- Submission of Abstract: January 25th, 2017
- Intimation of Selected Abstract: January 28th, 2017.
- Submission of Registration fee: January 10th , 2017.
- Full Paper Submission: February 15th , 2017
organizing committee
Chief Patron
Sh. Satnam Singh Sandhu Chancellor,Chandigarh University
Prof. (Dr.) R.S. Bawa- Vice Chancellor, Chandigarh University
Organizing Secretary
(Dr.) Saurab C. Director UILS, Chandigarh University.
organizing committee
Asst. Prof. Kamaljeet Singh, 9876214713
Asst. Prof. NainaKhana, 8699386372
Asst. Prof. Navneet Kaur Chahal, 9988171469
For Brochure, CLICK HERE
For Registration Form, CLICK HERE
For Guidelines For The Paper, CLICK HERE
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