3rd National Conference on ADR @ Sharda University, Delhi [Oct 11]: Submit by Sep 25

3rd National Conference on ADR

@ Sharda University, Delhi [Oct 11]

: Submit by Sep 25

About the Organisation

School of Law, Sharda University is one of the leading law schools in Delhi NCR. The School of Law is an innovative educational community with a belief of preparing students for future leadership in judiciary, litigation, academia, business and government.

About the Event

Conflicts and disputes have been a part and parcel of human life since time immemorial. We cannot avoid conflicts but what is more important is how we manage or handle such conflicts. War/Legal battle is one of the methods of resolution, but we have learnt with our past experiences that it is a costly affair and often unsatisfactory.

Title: Alternative Dispute Resolutions: Emerging Issues

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an alternative to the formal legal system. It is an alternative to litigation. At present, the judiciary is clogged with over 3 crore cases pending in various courts all over the country. The existing judicial system finds it difficult to cope with the ever-increasing burden of litigation. Such state of affairs calls for ADR to step in where the justice system fails, because, as the legal maxim goes “Justice delayed is justice denied”

Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation, Conciliation, Lok Adalat, Settlement etc. are the various methods for settling disputes which have received worldwide recognition and are applied successfully, as they settle disputes in a speedy and amicable manner.

Call for Paper

The organizers of the conference call upon the legal professionals, academicians, practitioners, research scholars, administrators, students, social activists and the representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations to present their research papers relevant to the below-mentioned themes:

  1. Alternative Dispute Resolution Practice in India and Abroad.
  2. Emerging Issues in Arbitration, Conciliation, Mediation, Negotiation, Lok Adalat, Settlement.
  3. Legislation and ADR Practices in Developing Countries.
  4. Role of Judiciary in ADR/Judicial Intervention in Arbitration in India.
  5. Scope of Institutional Arbitration in India.
  6. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards in India and its effectiveness.
  7. International Commercial Arbitration/International hubs of ADR.
  8. Mediation in Family and Matrimonial Disputes.
  9. Online Dispute Resolution.

The above themes are indicative and the author can send the article on any topic related to the broad theme of the conference.

Submission Guidelines

Abstract: An abstract of about 300 words outlining the central theme (s) of the paper.

Cover page: In order to facilitate anonymity, authors must mention their names, contact details and affiliations only on the cover page of the manuscript.

English: Follow British spelling and punctuation conventions.

Copyright: Author shall warrant that the papers submitted for publication do not infringe the copyright of any other person, except agreed otherwise. The copyright of the articles published shall vest with the publisher. The publisher, however, shall not be liable for any copyright infringement.

  • The abstract shall be sent to the email id: adrsharda2019@gmail.com.
  • Full Paper, the undertaking of originality and soft copy of the payment receipt shall be sent to email id: adrsharda2019@gmail.com

Registration Fee

  1. For Students: Rs. 500 (single authorship)
  2. For Students: Rs. 700 (dual authorship)
  3. For Faculties, Research Scholar & Practitioners: Rs. 1000 (single authorship)
  4. For Faculties, Research Scholar & Practitioners: Rs. 1500 (dual authorship)

Note: Registration fee includes seminar kit, high tea, and lunch excluding accommodation.

Important Dates

  • Last date for abstract submission: 25 September 2019
  • Last date for Communication of acceptance of abstract: 30 September 2019
  • Last date for Registration (fee payment) and submission of full paper along with undertaking: 05 October 2019
  • Date of Conference: 11 October 2019

Note: Once payment is done, it is necessary to send the soft copy of payment receipt along with full paper to adrsharda2019@gmail.com

Mode of Payment

Participants can make their payment either through online, NEFT or DD drawn in favor of “Sharda University, School of Law” Payable at Greater Noida with the below-mentioned account details.

  • Name of Account Holder: Sharda University, School of Law
  • Account Number: 912010034705440
  • Bank: Axis Bank
  • Branch: Alpha Commercial Belt, Greater Noida, U.P.
  • IFSC: UTIB0000624
Note: On the Spot Registration will also be available from 9-10 am on 11 October 2019

Contact Information

E-mail: query.adrsharda2019@gmail.com

For full details, click here


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