National Child Rights Research Fellowship @ CRY [ Fellowship upto Rs.1 Lakh]: Apply by Sep 20

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National Child Rights Research Fellowship

@ CRY [ Worth Rs.1 Lakh]:

Apply by Sep 20.


Child Rights and You (CRY) is celebrating 11th year of NCRRF and welcomes applications from interested individuals in exploring the various dimensions of child rights through research. The Fellowship programme enters its eleventh year and research 54 fellowships have been awarded by CRY till date.

As an organisation, CRY is committed to changing the way children experience childhood by being strategic in our choice of issues, approaches and utilization of resources to maximize our impact on children.

Through this research fellowship, CRY seek a combination of formal and informal approaches to explore and discover simple and complex truths about the interplay of culture, ethics and policies determining childhoods. CRY believes in encouraging a community of child rights researchers who will promote & advocate for child rights.

Focus Area

Researchers are welcome to expand and interpret themes, based on their experiences and larger vision for ensuring child rights.

  • Various aspects of children and childhoods and their relationship with other stakeholders such as peers, parents, family, community and state.
  • Researching child rights-focused thematic – child health, child nutrition, child protection and child development.
  • Role of children in decision-making arenas such as home, school, community etc.
  • Exploring and examining the in-depth agency of the child and learning child participation.
  • Understanding the relationship between ethnicity, inequality and conflict experienced by children.
  • Evidence building on any form of child rights violations.

Application details

Essential requirements (please download the Proposal & CV format for submission of your application by clicking here and send the filled copies to this email id Please refer the points below when filling your application:

  • A three-page proposal in the prescribed format, which briefly explains your topic of study, objectives and research question within a framework, proposed methodology, timelines, a reading list of related literature/existing studies on the subject and a detailed budget
  • A two-page updated CV in the prescribed format
  • A sample of your published or unpublished paper/article or any documentation done on a related theme.
  • Names, phone numbers and email addresses of two referees willing to furnish a reference for you.


Applicants should be Indians residing in India, above the age of 18 years. If your proposal is part of a submission to any academic institution or if you are already receiving funding for the conduct of the research proposed, it will be ineligible for this fellowship.

Grant size

Up-to 5 fellowships ranging from Rs.50, 000 to Rs.1 lakh will be awarded. Fellows are free to continue their primary occupation. The fellowship grant will be released in instalments against specific deliverables. CRY will not fund any capital expenditure incurred by the fellow.

 for more details, Click here

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