National Article Writing Competition organised by JIMS, School of Law: Register by 18th July, 2o21.

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About the Competition

This Competition is organized by JIMS School of Law, Greater Noida, affiliated to G.G.S.I.P.U., New Delhi. This competition is about developing a strong opinion about issues that matter and honing one’s writing skill to present oneself well. This competition can be used as a great opportunity for the students to explore and develop their writing skills. The endeavor is to instill in students an excellent expression of thought on paper and provide them a space for growth, improvement, and better learning.

About the Journal

The JIMS Journal of Law (JJL) is a bi-annual, blind peer-reviewed print journal bearing ISSN No. 2581-6837. It is no surprise that the publishing industry has changed significantly. New approaches are emerging among editors, reviewers, and publishers, which has resulted in new requirements and aspirations throughout the various sectors of law.

Theme of the Competition: Any Contemporary legal Issue.

Mode: Online

Eligibility: The Competition is open for Students pursuing/completed Graduation/Post Graduation from any recognized University across the country or academicians, Professionals, Scholars of any background.

Co-authorship: up-to two authors are permitted.

Important Dates

Last date of registration: 18th July, 2021

Last date of submission of manuscript: 25th July, 2021

Date of Result announcement: 7th August, 2021

Awards: Worth Rs. 15, 000/-

WINNER: Cash Prize of Rs. 1500/- + Certificate of Excellence + Publication + others perks.

RUNNER-UP: Cash Prize of Rs. 1000/- + Certificate of Excellence + Publication + others perks.

3rd POSITION – 10th POSITION: Certificate of Merit + Publication + others perks.

All the participants will get Certificate of Participation + other perks.

Note: Other than top 10 Articles can also be selected for free publications at JIMS Law Journal, subject to the conditions and quality of the paper. Those shortlisted articles will be announced on the date of result.

Registration Fee:

Single Author: Rs. 399/-

Co-Author: Rs. 599/-

Registration Process: Interested students are required to duly fill the registration form mentioned below. CLICK HERE

Submission Guidelines

1. All the participants are required to submit their manuscripts through google form which will be circulated after the successful registration, through email.

2. The article must be submitted in the English language only.

3. Entries can be co-authored. However, a maximum of two authors per entry is allowed.

4. Times New Roman font, in font size 12 is prescribed for all entries. Further, footnotes shall be in font size 10 and in Times New Roman font.

5. A line spacing of 1.5 for the main text and 1.0 for footnotes should be followed.

6. All submissions should be in doc or docx format; submissions in pdf shall not be accepted.

7. Manuscripts should be of between 1000 – 1500 words.

8. The main submission must not contain the credentials of the author(s) or the name of their institution. A separate cover letter containing the specifications of the author(s) must be attached to the e-mail. The Article must be submitted in the .doc/.docx file only.

9. The submissions must be original works and should not have been published elsewhere.

10. All publications are subject to a plagiarism check if the work is found to be plagiarized then submission will be not be published (plagiarism is allowed 15%).

11. The submission should be free from all grammatical & spelling errors.

12. The Bluebook Uniform System of Citation (20th edition) shall be strictly adhered to.

13. The footnotes shall be in Times New Roman font, the font size 10, and line spacing of 1.0.

14. All submissions must be made in the electronic form to under the subject heading

15. In all matters related to the Competition, the decision of the Panel and JIMS, School of Law School shall be final and conclusive.

Note: All the participants are required to go through the brochure thoroughly. Link of the brochure is given below.

Brochure: CLICK HERE

Contact Details:

Devashish Tiwari


+91 9711804870

Ayush Sharma


+91 9871616222


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