National Article Writing Competition by University of Lucknow: Submit by Oct 31

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About the University

Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow, established in 1921, is a pioneer legal institution of India. The Faculty offers Undergraduate, Post Graduate, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Programmes. The Faculty is running a Centre of Excellence on Gandhian Dream of Litigation Free Justice.

Lucknow University Legal Aid Clinic is inspired by the determination to promote ‘EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR ALL’, seek to promote legal literacy, provide free legal services, create socially responsible citizens and to facilitate access to justice to the marginalized and deprived classes of the society.

About the Competition

In the pursuance of this quest to grow, Legal Aid Centre, University of Lucknow, is organising its ‘National Online Article writing Competition’ during pandemic themed on ‘recent trends and political issue‘, to foster the skill of writing among
students and their dynamic thoughts through Elocution may pave the way for marginalised and deprived sections of the society to access justice.


Articles are invited on either of the following topics:

For English

  • Is there a need for a strict watchdog to stop manipulation by journalism?
  • Role of Legal Aid Centre in delivering justice.
  • What’s more important for healthy democracy: Strong government or Strong Opposition

For Hindi

  • सबल लोकतंत्र: मजबूत सरकार या मजबूत विपक्ष.
  • स्वस्थ लोकतंत्र में न्यायधीशों की ज़िम्मेदारी तय होनी चाहिये ?
  • निति निर्माण में जन आकांक्षाओं का स्थान

Awards & Certificates

E-certificates of participation will be provided to all the participants who make a valid submission in line with the Submission Guidelines mentioned herein.

The best 10 entries shall be awarded a letter of appreciation by the centre and will be published on a reputed legal website provided with the ISBN Number and top article will be published in a law magazine provided with the ISSN Number.


Students/Research Scholars enrolled in any UG/PG/Ph.D. course, Academicians associated with any educational institution (University/College), Professionals across various fields practicing in India.


  • The submission can be made through this link, here.
  • Submission Guidelines
  • The file must be in .doc/.docx format and the file size should not exceed 10 MB.
  • Language of the Article may be either English or Hindi.
  • Each submission must have its own Title on the basis of topic selected.
  • The body of the submission must be in the format as specified. [Font: Times New Roman or Mangal (For Hindi), Size:12, Line-Spacing: 1.5, Justified].
  • Submission must contain footnotes, wherever required. All footnotes must be in the format as specified. [Font: Times New Roman, Size: 10, Line-Spacing: 1.0, Justified].
  • The word limit for the articles is 1200-1500 words, exclusive of footnotes.
  • An article can be co-authored by a maximum of two participants.
  • The file name of the submission must be as follows: a. In case of Single Author – ‘<first name><last name>’ e.g. Aditya Kashyap.docx b. In case of Co-authors – ‘<first name of Author 1> & <first name of Author 2>’ e.g, Aditya & Shiva.docx.
  • Submissions with a similarity percentage above 15 percent will be automatically rejected.
  • The last page of the submission must include the following information: Name of the Author(s), Name of the Institution.
  • All rights arising from the submissions made by the participants are automatically vested in the centre.
  • Non-compliance with either of the guidelines mentioned above will result in immediate rejection of submission. No queries in this regard shall be entertained.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for the submission is 7th of November 2020 and the result will be declared on 20th of November 2020.

Contact Info

For any query mail us to

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